22 March 2011
Hargai Milikmu
Hargailah segala yang kau miliki; anda akan memiliki lebih lagi. Jika anda fokus pada apa yang tidak anda miliki, anda tidak akan pernah merasa cukup dalam hal apapun.
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.
~ Oprah Winfrey
21 March 2011
Empat Tips Mengelak Rasa Bosan
Apa itu perasaan bosan? Dalam bahasa Melayu, ia ialah rasa bosan dalam bahasa Inggeris boring. Rasa bosan timbul Ketika Anda jemu mengadap sesuatu berulang-ulang kali. Dalam keadaan lain, berasa bosan timbul tatkala Kita tiada apa yang hendak dibuat, tak terdapat apa yang mahu dilakukan waktu saat terluang. Awas, rasa bosan petanda besar Kita adalah manusia yang tak memiliki matlamat.
Panduan motivasi kali ni, di bawah ini ialah four petua bagaimana mengelak merasa boring.
1. Sibukkan Diri, Kenal Pasti Hobi.
Cari apa yang berupaya dilakukan. Bentuk diri menjadi rajin. Jika Anda tidak ada apa hendak dilakukan, fikirkan sesuatu yang Kita rasa enak mengamalkannya supaya tak sedar saat berlalu. Ada orang suka tengok tv kerana dia merasa seronok menonton television, walau daripada pagi hingga ke malam. Terdapat manusia suka memancing, sebab dia minat memancing, walau daripada malam sampai ke pagi. Untuk mengelak merasa boring cari sesuatu di sekeliling yang boleh Anda lakukan.
2. Menjadi Workaholik.
Manusia workaholik (kata asalnya ialah ‘workaholic’) ialah orang yang suka bekerja, sentiasa bersama tugas hingga tak sedar masa berlalu. Kerja bukan tugas untuk dirinya tetapi satu hobi. Perasaan bekerja ini akan hadir tatkala Anda menemui keseronokan waktu melaksanakan kerja.Untuk mengelak rasa boring, Kita berupaya latih diri kita jadi seorang workaholic - selalu ada sahaja yang perlu dibuat, terdapat saja yang perlu disiapkan, terdapat saja yang perlu disempurnakan. Awas, tabiat workaholic tak sesuai untuk orang dah kawin. Kalau Anda suami, nanti pasangan Anda saman Anda sebab tidak balik-balik rumah dek terlalu layan kerja. Kalau Kita seorang suami, nanti pasangan Kita makan mee Maggi tiap hari.
3. Set matlamat, azam, cita-cita dan impian. Selepas itu berusahalah mencapainya!
Orang yang sentiasa berasa bosan adalah manusia yang tidak memiliki impian. Manusia yang bosan bersama hidup adalah manusia tidak memiliki cita-cita. Set suatu matlamat sesudah itu fikirkan kaedah untuk mencapai matlamat itu, lepas tu berusalah merealisasinya walaupun dengan apa kaedah sekalipun, asalkan halal. Kenangkan, fikir, selepas tu buat. Buat dan langsung buat. Jangan tidak bergerak! Sedekit demi sedikit Anda akan perasan Anda boleh mengelak merasa boring kerana anda sudah tidak ada masa bagi berasa boring. Masa yang terdapat terisi dengan kerja kuat ke arah memperoleh cita-cita Anda.
4. Banyakkan Diri Beribadah.
Ini pula ialah tips yang baik untuk mengelak merasa bosan dari pandangan Islam. Sibukkan diri bersama ibadah. Dalam menyempurnakan tuntutan ibadah wajib, banyakkan ibadah sunat. Hadirkan berasa kekurangan serta kehambaan dalam diri. Jangan cuba merasa puas dengan ibadah-ibadah yang sudah disempurnakan sebelum ini. Rasai keseronokan melaksanakan ibadah, rasai ketenangan ketika dalam proses menyempurnakan ibadah. Pastinya Anda terpanggil bagi mengamalkannya lagi, dan lagi, serta lagi, banyak kali sampaikan Kita seperti tidak hendak berhenti.
Panduan motivasi kali ni, di bawah ini ialah four petua bagaimana mengelak merasa boring.
1. Sibukkan Diri, Kenal Pasti Hobi.
Cari apa yang berupaya dilakukan. Bentuk diri menjadi rajin. Jika Anda tidak ada apa hendak dilakukan, fikirkan sesuatu yang Kita rasa enak mengamalkannya supaya tak sedar saat berlalu. Ada orang suka tengok tv kerana dia merasa seronok menonton television, walau daripada pagi hingga ke malam. Terdapat manusia suka memancing, sebab dia minat memancing, walau daripada malam sampai ke pagi. Untuk mengelak merasa boring cari sesuatu di sekeliling yang boleh Anda lakukan.
2. Menjadi Workaholik.
Manusia workaholik (kata asalnya ialah ‘workaholic’) ialah orang yang suka bekerja, sentiasa bersama tugas hingga tak sedar masa berlalu. Kerja bukan tugas untuk dirinya tetapi satu hobi. Perasaan bekerja ini akan hadir tatkala Anda menemui keseronokan waktu melaksanakan kerja.Untuk mengelak rasa boring, Kita berupaya latih diri kita jadi seorang workaholic - selalu ada sahaja yang perlu dibuat, terdapat saja yang perlu disiapkan, terdapat saja yang perlu disempurnakan. Awas, tabiat workaholic tak sesuai untuk orang dah kawin. Kalau Anda suami, nanti pasangan Anda saman Anda sebab tidak balik-balik rumah dek terlalu layan kerja. Kalau Kita seorang suami, nanti pasangan Kita makan mee Maggi tiap hari.
3. Set matlamat, azam, cita-cita dan impian. Selepas itu berusahalah mencapainya!
Orang yang sentiasa berasa bosan adalah manusia yang tidak memiliki impian. Manusia yang bosan bersama hidup adalah manusia tidak memiliki cita-cita. Set suatu matlamat sesudah itu fikirkan kaedah untuk mencapai matlamat itu, lepas tu berusalah merealisasinya walaupun dengan apa kaedah sekalipun, asalkan halal. Kenangkan, fikir, selepas tu buat. Buat dan langsung buat. Jangan tidak bergerak! Sedekit demi sedikit Anda akan perasan Anda boleh mengelak merasa boring kerana anda sudah tidak ada masa bagi berasa boring. Masa yang terdapat terisi dengan kerja kuat ke arah memperoleh cita-cita Anda.
4. Banyakkan Diri Beribadah.
Ini pula ialah tips yang baik untuk mengelak merasa bosan dari pandangan Islam. Sibukkan diri bersama ibadah. Dalam menyempurnakan tuntutan ibadah wajib, banyakkan ibadah sunat. Hadirkan berasa kekurangan serta kehambaan dalam diri. Jangan cuba merasa puas dengan ibadah-ibadah yang sudah disempurnakan sebelum ini. Rasai keseronokan melaksanakan ibadah, rasai ketenangan ketika dalam proses menyempurnakan ibadah. Pastinya Anda terpanggil bagi mengamalkannya lagi, dan lagi, serta lagi, banyak kali sampaikan Kita seperti tidak hendak berhenti.
20 March 2011
Self Improvement is a Journey From You to a Better You
In todays world of competition no one can succeed without really improving oneself in every aspect of our lives. Be it your career, relationship with your family, your friends or foes, it all necessitates constant improvement in our side. Instead of thinking that we are perfect and that it's others who must improve or behave themselves, we must try to understand fellow human beings, or why they behave in a particular manner. This would actually make the road towards self improvement easier. Be willing to bring a change in yourself!
Improving one's self is not as easy as it seems! Self improvement is all about enriching our lives with some values and following a few guidelines which we create to make us a better person. Once a foundation is made, the road to self improvement would become a smoother one. Firstly we must have proper focus or we should concentrate on what must be improved in us! It might seem to be simple, but it is not.
Proper planning is very important in this. We must analyze ourselves and find out which aspect needs improvement in the first place. Is it our career, relationship with your family, financial aspects, health or any other factor which seeks up most attention?
Decide which one is to be dealt with first.
Once a list is ready, move on with it and mentally prepare yourself for the change in you.
Decide on what is to be done. You can also ask for opinion from your close family or your friends whom you trust. And also remember that a deadline to meet each criteria in the made up list is as important as making up the list. If you take your own time, it might as well never happen. A decision made, just focus on the result part. Once an objective in the list is fulfilled just go ahead to the next one and keep re focusing and organizing yourself. You are doing this to make yourself a better social being!
Have confidence in yourself and move ahead in the right direction to make a better you!
Improving one's self is not as easy as it seems! Self improvement is all about enriching our lives with some values and following a few guidelines which we create to make us a better person. Once a foundation is made, the road to self improvement would become a smoother one. Firstly we must have proper focus or we should concentrate on what must be improved in us! It might seem to be simple, but it is not.
Proper planning is very important in this. We must analyze ourselves and find out which aspect needs improvement in the first place. Is it our career, relationship with your family, financial aspects, health or any other factor which seeks up most attention?
Decide which one is to be dealt with first.
Once a list is ready, move on with it and mentally prepare yourself for the change in you.
Decide on what is to be done. You can also ask for opinion from your close family or your friends whom you trust. And also remember that a deadline to meet each criteria in the made up list is as important as making up the list. If you take your own time, it might as well never happen. A decision made, just focus on the result part. Once an objective in the list is fulfilled just go ahead to the next one and keep re focusing and organizing yourself. You are doing this to make yourself a better social being!
Have confidence in yourself and move ahead in the right direction to make a better you!
19 March 2011
Diari Kesyukuran
Tidak terdapat paksaan bagi Kita lkitakan perkara ni. kita mengajak kita untuk membina Diari Syukur bagi membuat kita tabah, bagi membina rasa suka serta bagi menimbulkan motivasi hendak berbakti dari dalam diri kita.
Selain menyenaraikan 10 hal yang Kita syukuri tiap hari, kita boleh jua tumpukan fikiran pada 10 perkara lain yang Kita cukup syukuri tanpa perlu menulisnya. Hadirkan rasa bersyukur pada Tuhan oleh sebab diberi ruang untuk mempunyai kesemuanya.
Orang-orang berjaya, meskipun kebanyakannya bukan beragama Islam,sering menyebut merasa berterima kasih kerana diberikan peluang untuk mencapai tahap berjaya, seperti mana yang mereka dapat hari ini. Jaranglah mereka kata seperti “kejayaan ni ialah dapatan kerja keras kita”.
Namun mereka akan kata “syukur dan terima kasih pada Tuhan kerana memberikan kita kejayaan ini, tahap ini berjaya dicapai hasil sokongan kita serta jua hasil sokongan keluarga.”. Meskipun hakikatnya manusia-manusia berjaya boleh mencapai kejayaan hasil dari kerajinan berusaha, mereka mededikasikan kejayaan itu pada Tuhan dan pada orang-manusia sekeliling.
Berikut adalah misalan Diari Syukur yang ditujukan spesifik dalam perhubungan sesama manusia, termasuk perhubungan cinta!
1.rasa syukur kerana ada seseorang mencintai kita sekarang ini.
2.rasa syukur pada Yang Maha Esa kerana menemukan seorang rakan yang menyokong kita
3.syukur pada Yang Maha Esa oleh sebab menemukan kita dengan seseorang yang kita cintai
4.Terima kasih Ya Allah, engkau menemukan kita bersama sinar cunta! rasa syukur alhamdulillah
5.Ya Allah, kami bersyukur padaMu kerana hidup kami dihiasi suka, rasa syukur Ya Allah.
6.rasa syukur pada Allah oleh sebab kawan kita membantu kita hari ini.
7.rasa syukur pada Allah oleh sebab memiliki rakan membantu kita, ketika kita memerlukan.
8.syukur padaMu Yang Maha Esa kerana Engkau menemukan kami bersama sahabat yang memahami kami.
9.Thanks Allah, engkau hampirkan kita bersama kawan-kawan, thank you.
10.syukur pada Allah kerana mengizinkan kita bergaul baik bersama-sama manusia, syukur, syukur.
kita boleh gunakan pelbagai perkataan untuk memanjatkan rasa kesyukuran Kita, gunakan perkataan seperti terima kasih, thanks, alhamdulillah,syukur.. kesannya tak berubah.
Matlamat Kita mengucapkan rasa syukur adalah untuk berterima kasih pada Tuhan serta menghargai apa yang kita miliki pada masa ini, bermula daripada wang yang Kita miliki, kerja Kita, kawan-kawan kita, circle of relatives Kita,pasangan kita, kekasih kita, blog kita ,kereta Kita, aset kita hinggalah ke sekecil-kecil hal seperti hidangan dan air minuman Kita yang kita makan setiap hari.
Selain menyenaraikan 10 hal yang Kita syukuri tiap hari, kita boleh jua tumpukan fikiran pada 10 perkara lain yang Kita cukup syukuri tanpa perlu menulisnya. Hadirkan rasa bersyukur pada Tuhan oleh sebab diberi ruang untuk mempunyai kesemuanya.
Orang-orang berjaya, meskipun kebanyakannya bukan beragama Islam,sering menyebut merasa berterima kasih kerana diberikan peluang untuk mencapai tahap berjaya, seperti mana yang mereka dapat hari ini. Jaranglah mereka kata seperti “kejayaan ni ialah dapatan kerja keras kita”.
Namun mereka akan kata “syukur dan terima kasih pada Tuhan kerana memberikan kita kejayaan ini, tahap ini berjaya dicapai hasil sokongan kita serta jua hasil sokongan keluarga.”. Meskipun hakikatnya manusia-manusia berjaya boleh mencapai kejayaan hasil dari kerajinan berusaha, mereka mededikasikan kejayaan itu pada Tuhan dan pada orang-manusia sekeliling.
Berikut adalah misalan Diari Syukur yang ditujukan spesifik dalam perhubungan sesama manusia, termasuk perhubungan cinta!
1.rasa syukur kerana ada seseorang mencintai kita sekarang ini.
2.rasa syukur pada Yang Maha Esa kerana menemukan seorang rakan yang menyokong kita
3.syukur pada Yang Maha Esa oleh sebab menemukan kita dengan seseorang yang kita cintai
4.Terima kasih Ya Allah, engkau menemukan kita bersama sinar cunta! rasa syukur alhamdulillah
5.Ya Allah, kami bersyukur padaMu kerana hidup kami dihiasi suka, rasa syukur Ya Allah.
6.rasa syukur pada Allah oleh sebab kawan kita membantu kita hari ini.
7.rasa syukur pada Allah oleh sebab memiliki rakan membantu kita, ketika kita memerlukan.
8.syukur padaMu Yang Maha Esa kerana Engkau menemukan kami bersama sahabat yang memahami kami.
9.Thanks Allah, engkau hampirkan kita bersama kawan-kawan, thank you.
10.syukur pada Allah kerana mengizinkan kita bergaul baik bersama-sama manusia, syukur, syukur.
kita boleh gunakan pelbagai perkataan untuk memanjatkan rasa kesyukuran Kita, gunakan perkataan seperti terima kasih, thanks, alhamdulillah,syukur.. kesannya tak berubah.
Matlamat Kita mengucapkan rasa syukur adalah untuk berterima kasih pada Tuhan serta menghargai apa yang kita miliki pada masa ini, bermula daripada wang yang Kita miliki, kerja Kita, kawan-kawan kita, circle of relatives Kita,pasangan kita, kekasih kita, blog kita ,kereta Kita, aset kita hinggalah ke sekecil-kecil hal seperti hidangan dan air minuman Kita yang kita makan setiap hari.
18 March 2011
Tiga Perkara Asas Bagaimana Meletak Resolusi Untuk Tahun 2011
Berikut adalah tiga langkah asas bagaimana untuk meletak resolusi tahun 2011.
1. Kalau kita Masih Mahu Langsungkan Azam Lama, Kali Ini Pertingkatkan Usaha.
Mungkin kita tidak hendak buat azam baru hanya kerana kita ada resolusi lama. Mesti miliki sebab mengapa Anda masih tidak berjaya merealisasikan resolusi itu pada tahun 2010, barangkali usaha kurang. Dari sentiasa berfikir cemana nak mencapai resolusi, kali ni paksa diri kita untuk berhempas pulas mencapainya dengan melatih diri bagi menjadi rajin. Manusia yang asyik berfikir tetapi kurang usaha tak boleh dapat apa-apa. Orang yang ringan tulang bekerja kemudian sentiasa berkira-kira cemana mahu membaguskan usahanya supaya semakin menjadi, itulah orang yang akan dapat memperoleh azam yang dicita-citakannya.
2. Tulis, Lekat, Baca, Ingat. (T.L.B.I.)
Tulis azam di atas kertas supaya akal kita ‘menangkap’apa yang kita hendak capai lepas menerimanya sebagai satu arahan untuk direalisasikan. Lekat azam yang sudah ditulis itu di tempat yang Anda mudah nak baca berpuluh kali dalam satu hari, umpamanya di dinding. Jika anda jarang selesa dengan cara ini sebab risau orang lain nampak azam yang kita, tulis di atas sekeping kad kecil, bawa ke mana-mana serta baca berpuluh kali dalam sehari, jika berupaya sampai beratus kali sehari. Kenapa Anda perlu buat ni? Tujuannya untuk menjadikan minda kita tertumpu pada resolusi kita, bukan pada perkara lain. Tatkala otak sudah tertumpu pada hal lain, sia-sia sahajalah Anda meletak azam sebab kita tidak merasai dorongan nak mencapainya.
3. Tentukan, Fokuskan, Usah Tukar.
Tetapkan 3 azam dalam suatu hari, usah lebih supaya tumpuan kita tak berkecamuk,sekejap itu, sekejap ini. Ini bukan saat untuk bereksperimen. Ini masa untuk membentuk hidup yang lebih baik, oleh itu azam perlu tetap. Tentukan apa Anda mahu capai. Kalau kita seorang pekerja, apa Anda hendak dapat sebagai seorang pekerja dalam tahun 2011? Mungkinkan kita mahu dapat tahap gaji yang banyak? Kenaikkan pangkat? Atau mhanya mahu memajukan diri dalam kerjaya Anda? Kalau kita seorang mami, seorang isteri dan seorang anak, apakah yang Anda hendak dapat dalam tahun 2011? Kalau kita seorang usahawan, apa yang kita mahu dapat pada tahun 2011 nanti? Tetapkan resolusi, usah ubah selagi belum berjaya dicapai. Inilah kaedah sangat penting dalam meletakkan resolusi. Sebab ramai dari kita semua suka bertukar-tukar resolusi, macam tukar pakaian.
Kunci pada pencapaian resolusi ialah usaha. Usaha, kerja kuat, usaha!
1. Kalau kita Masih Mahu Langsungkan Azam Lama, Kali Ini Pertingkatkan Usaha.
Mungkin kita tidak hendak buat azam baru hanya kerana kita ada resolusi lama. Mesti miliki sebab mengapa Anda masih tidak berjaya merealisasikan resolusi itu pada tahun 2010, barangkali usaha kurang. Dari sentiasa berfikir cemana nak mencapai resolusi, kali ni paksa diri kita untuk berhempas pulas mencapainya dengan melatih diri bagi menjadi rajin. Manusia yang asyik berfikir tetapi kurang usaha tak boleh dapat apa-apa. Orang yang ringan tulang bekerja kemudian sentiasa berkira-kira cemana mahu membaguskan usahanya supaya semakin menjadi, itulah orang yang akan dapat memperoleh azam yang dicita-citakannya.
2. Tulis, Lekat, Baca, Ingat. (T.L.B.I.)
Tulis azam di atas kertas supaya akal kita ‘menangkap’apa yang kita hendak capai lepas menerimanya sebagai satu arahan untuk direalisasikan. Lekat azam yang sudah ditulis itu di tempat yang Anda mudah nak baca berpuluh kali dalam satu hari, umpamanya di dinding. Jika anda jarang selesa dengan cara ini sebab risau orang lain nampak azam yang kita, tulis di atas sekeping kad kecil, bawa ke mana-mana serta baca berpuluh kali dalam sehari, jika berupaya sampai beratus kali sehari. Kenapa Anda perlu buat ni? Tujuannya untuk menjadikan minda kita tertumpu pada resolusi kita, bukan pada perkara lain. Tatkala otak sudah tertumpu pada hal lain, sia-sia sahajalah Anda meletak azam sebab kita tidak merasai dorongan nak mencapainya.
3. Tentukan, Fokuskan, Usah Tukar.
Tetapkan 3 azam dalam suatu hari, usah lebih supaya tumpuan kita tak berkecamuk,sekejap itu, sekejap ini. Ini bukan saat untuk bereksperimen. Ini masa untuk membentuk hidup yang lebih baik, oleh itu azam perlu tetap. Tentukan apa Anda mahu capai. Kalau kita seorang pekerja, apa Anda hendak dapat sebagai seorang pekerja dalam tahun 2011? Mungkinkan kita mahu dapat tahap gaji yang banyak? Kenaikkan pangkat? Atau mhanya mahu memajukan diri dalam kerjaya Anda? Kalau kita seorang mami, seorang isteri dan seorang anak, apakah yang Anda hendak dapat dalam tahun 2011? Kalau kita seorang usahawan, apa yang kita mahu dapat pada tahun 2011 nanti? Tetapkan resolusi, usah ubah selagi belum berjaya dicapai. Inilah kaedah sangat penting dalam meletakkan resolusi. Sebab ramai dari kita semua suka bertukar-tukar resolusi, macam tukar pakaian.
Kunci pada pencapaian resolusi ialah usaha. Usaha, kerja kuat, usaha!
17 March 2011
The ABC's of Self-improvement - What it Is, What to Look For
According to a Marketdata Enterprises market report, the U.S. self-improvement market is worth $9.6 Billion. It's a huge business and it attracts a lot of attention. Yet, for all its importance, most people fail to understand what it's all about.
A lot of people who are attracted to the art and science of self-improvement are motivated by the lure of money. They want to know better and more expedient ways of climbing the ladder of financial success. It's no accident that the bible of the self-improvement world is called, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
That is really unfortunate because financial success is really only a relatively small part of what self-improvement should be about. First and foremost, self-improvement should be about finding ways of having a more successful life and money is only a part of that equation.
Until that is understood, all the personal work done in self-improvement is next to useless. Money may be essential to a happy life but it's only an aspect of the whole picture. This has been clearly demonstrated in the stories of people who have achieved great levels of financial success and were left so disillusioned that they ended up committing suicide.
Self-improvement is mostly about acquiring the tools and the knowledge necessary to take control of our life in all of its aspects. It's about learning how to control the internal Master System that directs all human behavior.
Man is without a doubt the most sophisticated and complex creation or invention on Planet Earth - yet it did not come with an Owner's Manual. That is what the science of self-improvement is all about. It's the next best thing to that Owner's Manual.
The emphasis in self-development should be on Personal Control and not exclusively on financial success. This point cannot be stressed enough because it's the number one reason that people get into any of the self-help disciplines and fail.
The science of making money is not all that complex. It could be summed up in a few sentences: 1) Be obsessed with money. 2) Keep on trying to find new ways of making money. 3) Work very hard and save. Anything added to that is superfluous. Nothing else is needed.
On the other hand, real self-improvement is a life-long process. It's not about learning new tricks on how to influence people. It's about understanding why we do what we do, about fundamental personality change and about character building.
The title says it all, self-improvement. It's about improving who we are as humans. It's about learning that our past does not equate our future. It's about coming to grip with the fact that it is possible to change and finding out how those changes can be affected.
The time invested in self-improvement can yield amazing returns. It can open the door to great achievements, transform lives and turn a meaningless existence into a world of greatness. No one has ever achieved anything worthwhile without using the principles found in the science of self-improvement.
Like any other discipline, self-improvement requires going through the theory and practice parts of that science. Learning without doing is moot. It does require work, discipline and diligence. It is a lifelong process, nothing that can be done overnight. The results are proportional to the time and efforts invested.
In one word, self-improvement is about understanding what motivates us to do the thing that we do and about character building. Once that this is understood, we are ready to plunge into the wonderful world of self-improvement knowing that our expectations will be met.
Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Author of ShamouBlog and Owner Administrator of Personal Development for Personal Success Forums
A lot of people who are attracted to the art and science of self-improvement are motivated by the lure of money. They want to know better and more expedient ways of climbing the ladder of financial success. It's no accident that the bible of the self-improvement world is called, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
That is really unfortunate because financial success is really only a relatively small part of what self-improvement should be about. First and foremost, self-improvement should be about finding ways of having a more successful life and money is only a part of that equation.
Until that is understood, all the personal work done in self-improvement is next to useless. Money may be essential to a happy life but it's only an aspect of the whole picture. This has been clearly demonstrated in the stories of people who have achieved great levels of financial success and were left so disillusioned that they ended up committing suicide.
Self-improvement is mostly about acquiring the tools and the knowledge necessary to take control of our life in all of its aspects. It's about learning how to control the internal Master System that directs all human behavior.
Man is without a doubt the most sophisticated and complex creation or invention on Planet Earth - yet it did not come with an Owner's Manual. That is what the science of self-improvement is all about. It's the next best thing to that Owner's Manual.
The emphasis in self-development should be on Personal Control and not exclusively on financial success. This point cannot be stressed enough because it's the number one reason that people get into any of the self-help disciplines and fail.
The science of making money is not all that complex. It could be summed up in a few sentences: 1) Be obsessed with money. 2) Keep on trying to find new ways of making money. 3) Work very hard and save. Anything added to that is superfluous. Nothing else is needed.
On the other hand, real self-improvement is a life-long process. It's not about learning new tricks on how to influence people. It's about understanding why we do what we do, about fundamental personality change and about character building.
The title says it all, self-improvement. It's about improving who we are as humans. It's about learning that our past does not equate our future. It's about coming to grip with the fact that it is possible to change and finding out how those changes can be affected.
The time invested in self-improvement can yield amazing returns. It can open the door to great achievements, transform lives and turn a meaningless existence into a world of greatness. No one has ever achieved anything worthwhile without using the principles found in the science of self-improvement.
Like any other discipline, self-improvement requires going through the theory and practice parts of that science. Learning without doing is moot. It does require work, discipline and diligence. It is a lifelong process, nothing that can be done overnight. The results are proportional to the time and efforts invested.
In one word, self-improvement is about understanding what motivates us to do the thing that we do and about character building. Once that this is understood, we are ready to plunge into the wonderful world of self-improvement knowing that our expectations will be met.
Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Author of ShamouBlog and Owner Administrator of Personal Development for Personal Success Forums
16 March 2011
Panduan Bagaimana Kekalkan Kegembiraan Kita
Untuk berani, Kita perlu rasai kegembiraan serta kegirangan. Dalam perkataan Inggeris, ni dipanggil happiness and joy. Apabila kegembiraan hadir di jiwa, ada kaedah untuk kekalkannya.
Kita perlu mengetahui bahawa keceriaan serta kegirangan yang dimiliki di dalam hati akan menarik lebih banyak lagi kegembiraan dan kegirangan.
Happiness draws more happiness,joy draws extra pleasure!
Bagi kekalkan keceriaan yang Anda rasa, ucapakan syukur selalu. Inilah cara bagi kekalkan bersemangat. Kekal termotivasi.
Ucapkan terima kasih pada setiap manusia di sekeliling Anda, ucap walaupun fungsi mereka pada Anda kecil sahaja, misalnya, ucap terima kasih pada tukang cuci yang membersihkan pejabat Anda, ucap terima kasih pada budak pencuci kereta yang membersih kereta Anda. Andai kata kena saman, ucap terima kasih pada Tuan Polis kerana menyaman kesilapan Kita, menjadikan Kita sedar kesilapan yang Kita lakukan.
Jika seorang suami, ucap terima kasih pada isteri Kita kerana mengambil berat diri Kita, ucap terima kasih pada dia kerana sanggup bersusah payah berkhidmat untuk Kita sebagai ketua keluarga.
Jika Anda seorang pasangan, nyatakan terima kasih pada pasangan oleh sebab dia ada untuk Anda berharap hidup padanya. Keceriaan yang lahir dari rasa bersyukur menjadikan Kita menghargai pasangan Kita, bukan sekali dua, tetapi setiap hari.
Tiap kali Kita dilanda kegusaran berdepan dugaan ataupun permasalahan, alihkan seketika fikiran Anda pada benda-benda yang Anda ada serta jaga manusiag berhampiran Anda. Ini menjadikan Anda bersemangat dalam bekerja kuat menyelesaikan masalah.
Dulu, kita berani sebab kita hendak capai sesuatu. Sekarang, gunakan rasa syukur untuk membuat diri kita kuat hati selalu.
Kegembiraan yang terbit daripada kesykuran lebih bertahan lama. Ia membuat Kita jadi energetik. Kita akan komited pada apa sahaja yang kita lakukan.
Kita perlu mengetahui bahawa keceriaan serta kegirangan yang dimiliki di dalam hati akan menarik lebih banyak lagi kegembiraan dan kegirangan.
Happiness draws more happiness,joy draws extra pleasure!
Bagi kekalkan keceriaan yang Anda rasa, ucapakan syukur selalu. Inilah cara bagi kekalkan bersemangat. Kekal termotivasi.
Ucapkan terima kasih pada setiap manusia di sekeliling Anda, ucap walaupun fungsi mereka pada Anda kecil sahaja, misalnya, ucap terima kasih pada tukang cuci yang membersihkan pejabat Anda, ucap terima kasih pada budak pencuci kereta yang membersih kereta Anda. Andai kata kena saman, ucap terima kasih pada Tuan Polis kerana menyaman kesilapan Kita, menjadikan Kita sedar kesilapan yang Kita lakukan.
Jika seorang suami, ucap terima kasih pada isteri Kita kerana mengambil berat diri Kita, ucap terima kasih pada dia kerana sanggup bersusah payah berkhidmat untuk Kita sebagai ketua keluarga.
Jika Anda seorang pasangan, nyatakan terima kasih pada pasangan oleh sebab dia ada untuk Anda berharap hidup padanya. Keceriaan yang lahir dari rasa bersyukur menjadikan Kita menghargai pasangan Kita, bukan sekali dua, tetapi setiap hari.
Tiap kali Kita dilanda kegusaran berdepan dugaan ataupun permasalahan, alihkan seketika fikiran Anda pada benda-benda yang Anda ada serta jaga manusiag berhampiran Anda. Ini menjadikan Anda bersemangat dalam bekerja kuat menyelesaikan masalah.
Dulu, kita berani sebab kita hendak capai sesuatu. Sekarang, gunakan rasa syukur untuk membuat diri kita kuat hati selalu.
Kegembiraan yang terbit daripada kesykuran lebih bertahan lama. Ia membuat Kita jadi energetik. Kita akan komited pada apa sahaja yang kita lakukan.
15 March 2011
Pasang Matlamat Hendak Gembira dan Bahagia Sentiasa
Sudah pastinya Kita miliki impian sekarang ni. Kita hendak berjaya, hendak bahagia. Kali ni, usah terlalu struggle lagi. Tak perlu mengerah otak bersusah-payah berusaha. Tu cara dulu.
Sekarang, kita guna kaedah baru. Wujudkan kegirangan digabung bersama kerajinan berusaha. Bersama kegirangan, Anda akan bersemangat. Tiap kali Anda bahagia, tiap kali tu jugalah Anda akan bersemangat. Buat apa pun makin menjadi, dalam apa jua hal Anda usahakan.
Pasang impian mahu gembira setiap hari. Ini caranya. Ambil sekeping buku dan pen. Tarik nafas dalam-dalam. Tenagkan fikiran. Bebaskan dari memikirkan hutang, beban dan segala jenis musibah. Lupakan. Let go!
Selepas tu, tuliskan matlamat Kita hendak bahagia setiap hari. Tuliskan begini “Aku hendak aman dan bahagia saat ini“. Ketika dah buat begini, samalah macam Kita dah tanam benih. Selepas itu, Ketika benih dah tumbuh jadi anak-anak pokok dan semakin membesar, kena siram dan baja selalu.
Bajai dan sirami benih kegembiraan di jiwa Anda bersama kasih sayang, rasa syukur dan kemaafan. Jaga manusia yang Kita cintai.
Ucap terima kasih pada dia oleh sebab dia mencintai kita, meskipun selama ni Kita dah hidup dengan dengan dia sebagai suami atau pasangan 17 tahun yang lepas! Bukan buang tebiat, namun untuk hendak jaga pasangan ataupun suami kita, supaya daripada situ Kita kekal bersemangat.
Kekalkan yang baik, kurangkan kisah lampau, hapuskan yang buruk-buruk di fikiran. Barulah keceriaan terus di jiwa . Apabila dah bahagia, apa sahaja yang Kita lakukan mudah jadinya.
Sekarang, kita guna kaedah baru. Wujudkan kegirangan digabung bersama kerajinan berusaha. Bersama kegirangan, Anda akan bersemangat. Tiap kali Anda bahagia, tiap kali tu jugalah Anda akan bersemangat. Buat apa pun makin menjadi, dalam apa jua hal Anda usahakan.
Pasang impian mahu gembira setiap hari. Ini caranya. Ambil sekeping buku dan pen. Tarik nafas dalam-dalam. Tenagkan fikiran. Bebaskan dari memikirkan hutang, beban dan segala jenis musibah. Lupakan. Let go!
Selepas tu, tuliskan matlamat Kita hendak bahagia setiap hari. Tuliskan begini “Aku hendak aman dan bahagia saat ini“. Ketika dah buat begini, samalah macam Kita dah tanam benih. Selepas itu, Ketika benih dah tumbuh jadi anak-anak pokok dan semakin membesar, kena siram dan baja selalu.
Bajai dan sirami benih kegembiraan di jiwa Anda bersama kasih sayang, rasa syukur dan kemaafan. Jaga manusia yang Kita cintai.
Ucap terima kasih pada dia oleh sebab dia mencintai kita, meskipun selama ni Kita dah hidup dengan dengan dia sebagai suami atau pasangan 17 tahun yang lepas! Bukan buang tebiat, namun untuk hendak jaga pasangan ataupun suami kita, supaya daripada situ Kita kekal bersemangat.
Kekalkan yang baik, kurangkan kisah lampau, hapuskan yang buruk-buruk di fikiran. Barulah keceriaan terus di jiwa . Apabila dah bahagia, apa sahaja yang Kita lakukan mudah jadinya.
14 March 2011
Self Improvement and Motivation
Self Improvement and motivation are usually in a yin and yang relationship. They can at times be locked in a combat for supremacy, but other times self improvement and motivation are traveling buddies, arm-in-arm, each carrying the other.
Self improvement is the goal and motivation is the means to get there. Sometimes the horse gallops, other times he's kicking and bucking you off his chaffed saddle. To say that one depends upon the other is an understatement, as it may be said we only ever do that which we've been motivated to at any given moment.
Even given a situation in which one finds him or herself under heavy duress, people can find themselves committing either acts of heroism or villainy, seemingly against the odds.
First, let's consider the objects of this dynamic relationship. The obvious problem is that it is we who are the objects of such a discussion. It is our self improvement and motivation that is under question, and therein is our biggest problem. We are ever-changing and helplessly dependent beings. We begin life derived from our parents. Our existence and mood depends upon things mostly out of our control. We may pack an umbrella and predict the next storm but are powerless to stop or start the deluge. As our frustration at the daunting reality of being a frail human tempts us to lose focus of our goal (self improvement or otherwise), our mood becomes an ocean liner's anchor on a kayak and drags us down.
What to do in this bleak situation? Are we doomed to failure at every turn? How do we succeed in motivating ourselves to improve ourselves?
Knowing our limits is really the first step to freedom from perpetual depression and frustration, actually. It has been my observation and personal experience that solving any problem begins with its identification. Problem: we are unable to change everything we would like to change. Why is that so important? Simple: it frees us from the tyranny of trying to move Granite Mountains by banging our heads harder into them. Our solutions to our obstacles in life then become more realistic. Instead of moving the granite monolith mocking our progress by pulverizing our skulls upon their immovable faces, we can simply climb. We can go around the long way. We can hitch a ride upon any number of vehicles designed to overcome such obstacles. We have options! This realization further frees us from the tyrant of frustration. We aren't as helpless as we'd first thought.
We are only doomed to failure and misery if we attempt the same thing a thousand times, complaining all the way that our attempts are getting us nowhere. Naturally that would be the case, granite doesn't mind if you pound your flesh upon its face. You will lose every time, and perhaps complain that it hurts. Whatever you do, once you've identified such a blockade to progress, find another path around or over the obstacle. Exploring options, even grim options we may not have bothered to consider heretofore, will go a long way towards motivating us to continue. The quest for self improvement at this juncture is stymied: delayed, but not lost. There is hope.
Continuing the journey of self improvement will require a dogged determination to reach the goal, even if it feels as if our engine of motivation has quit along the way. By the way, motivation isn't merely "feeling like going on," rather that is merely emotion or mood. Mood is a very important character in the play, but often a doppelganger for motivation. Motivation is that dogged and central drive within us that is connected somehow to adrenaline and other hormones in our body. We fight or flee when we're most motivated to do so. Motivation is sometimes helped and other times hindered by mood. Running the marathon of self improvement means our motivation must not be confused with our mood. Only when our mood becomes the wind driving our motivational sails can we allow mood to play a key role. Other times, mood can become a champion fighter in the opposite corner of the ring. We must fight against it or ignore it when our motivation to continue is subdued by a negative mood or attitude.
Practically speaking, it's rather elementary to discover ways to motivate ourselves. Just about every motivator we know was introduced to us in grade school or in our mother's lap. We are motivated by love, motivated by the prize of time and quality of life...and we're all motivated a little differently. To one, money is a huge motivator. To another, simply eating a square meal propels him forward. My advice to you is this: when you set out on this course of self improvement and motivation becomes an issue, think of where you've been and where you're going. Set your face like flint against going back to who and what you're "improving from," the old you, and remind yourself why you thought self improvement and motivation were really all that important in the first place.
To get you motivated, set up milestones, little goals for yourself along the way, and celebrate like mad when you've reached those mini goals. Defer things such as a date night, and use it rather as a carrot to motivate you to complete a milestone. That term "milestone," by the way, can be a simple baby step. It should be an attainable goal, such as getting up half an hour early each day or cutting back on the third serving. If the milestone is a change in habit, then celebrate when you've gone a week consistently making progress in that change.
Whatever happens, there is no turning back. Keeping yourself motivated by keeping yourself focused on the prize and not the problems along the way will be the wind at your back. Remember that the biggest motivator is hope. Cling to hope. If you can't find any, ask someone to help give you some. There's plenty to go around, and you'll find that even the smallest morsel of hope becomes a feast when you've been famished for it. Enjoy the trip, self improvement and motivation will soon become more reward and less work as you accomplish your goals along the way.
The Author, Ian Lewis, has made available a Complimentary Online Video which shows you how to quickly destroy negative thinking patterns and become more confident & powerful immediately.
To view, Visit http://www.econfidencebooster.com
Self improvement is the goal and motivation is the means to get there. Sometimes the horse gallops, other times he's kicking and bucking you off his chaffed saddle. To say that one depends upon the other is an understatement, as it may be said we only ever do that which we've been motivated to at any given moment.
Even given a situation in which one finds him or herself under heavy duress, people can find themselves committing either acts of heroism or villainy, seemingly against the odds.
First, let's consider the objects of this dynamic relationship. The obvious problem is that it is we who are the objects of such a discussion. It is our self improvement and motivation that is under question, and therein is our biggest problem. We are ever-changing and helplessly dependent beings. We begin life derived from our parents. Our existence and mood depends upon things mostly out of our control. We may pack an umbrella and predict the next storm but are powerless to stop or start the deluge. As our frustration at the daunting reality of being a frail human tempts us to lose focus of our goal (self improvement or otherwise), our mood becomes an ocean liner's anchor on a kayak and drags us down.
What to do in this bleak situation? Are we doomed to failure at every turn? How do we succeed in motivating ourselves to improve ourselves?
Knowing our limits is really the first step to freedom from perpetual depression and frustration, actually. It has been my observation and personal experience that solving any problem begins with its identification. Problem: we are unable to change everything we would like to change. Why is that so important? Simple: it frees us from the tyranny of trying to move Granite Mountains by banging our heads harder into them. Our solutions to our obstacles in life then become more realistic. Instead of moving the granite monolith mocking our progress by pulverizing our skulls upon their immovable faces, we can simply climb. We can go around the long way. We can hitch a ride upon any number of vehicles designed to overcome such obstacles. We have options! This realization further frees us from the tyrant of frustration. We aren't as helpless as we'd first thought.
We are only doomed to failure and misery if we attempt the same thing a thousand times, complaining all the way that our attempts are getting us nowhere. Naturally that would be the case, granite doesn't mind if you pound your flesh upon its face. You will lose every time, and perhaps complain that it hurts. Whatever you do, once you've identified such a blockade to progress, find another path around or over the obstacle. Exploring options, even grim options we may not have bothered to consider heretofore, will go a long way towards motivating us to continue. The quest for self improvement at this juncture is stymied: delayed, but not lost. There is hope.
Continuing the journey of self improvement will require a dogged determination to reach the goal, even if it feels as if our engine of motivation has quit along the way. By the way, motivation isn't merely "feeling like going on," rather that is merely emotion or mood. Mood is a very important character in the play, but often a doppelganger for motivation. Motivation is that dogged and central drive within us that is connected somehow to adrenaline and other hormones in our body. We fight or flee when we're most motivated to do so. Motivation is sometimes helped and other times hindered by mood. Running the marathon of self improvement means our motivation must not be confused with our mood. Only when our mood becomes the wind driving our motivational sails can we allow mood to play a key role. Other times, mood can become a champion fighter in the opposite corner of the ring. We must fight against it or ignore it when our motivation to continue is subdued by a negative mood or attitude.
Practically speaking, it's rather elementary to discover ways to motivate ourselves. Just about every motivator we know was introduced to us in grade school or in our mother's lap. We are motivated by love, motivated by the prize of time and quality of life...and we're all motivated a little differently. To one, money is a huge motivator. To another, simply eating a square meal propels him forward. My advice to you is this: when you set out on this course of self improvement and motivation becomes an issue, think of where you've been and where you're going. Set your face like flint against going back to who and what you're "improving from," the old you, and remind yourself why you thought self improvement and motivation were really all that important in the first place.
To get you motivated, set up milestones, little goals for yourself along the way, and celebrate like mad when you've reached those mini goals. Defer things such as a date night, and use it rather as a carrot to motivate you to complete a milestone. That term "milestone," by the way, can be a simple baby step. It should be an attainable goal, such as getting up half an hour early each day or cutting back on the third serving. If the milestone is a change in habit, then celebrate when you've gone a week consistently making progress in that change.
Whatever happens, there is no turning back. Keeping yourself motivated by keeping yourself focused on the prize and not the problems along the way will be the wind at your back. Remember that the biggest motivator is hope. Cling to hope. If you can't find any, ask someone to help give you some. There's plenty to go around, and you'll find that even the smallest morsel of hope becomes a feast when you've been famished for it. Enjoy the trip, self improvement and motivation will soon become more reward and less work as you accomplish your goals along the way.
The Author, Ian Lewis, has made available a Complimentary Online Video which shows you how to quickly destroy negative thinking patterns and become more confident & powerful immediately.
To view, Visit http://www.econfidencebooster.com
13 March 2011
Fear Factor on Your Self-Improvement Journey
Have you ever wonder is fear good or bad when it comes to self-improvement?
To determine if fear is a good companion or bad one you need to examine if it is motivating you or keeping you back from achieving your self-improvement goal. Fear that is good is apparent before you decision to self-improve and fear that is bad occurs as you are trying to achieve your self-improvement goal.
Fear can be a good companion if it motivates you to start improving yourself. Fear of not being promoted can motivate you to work harder. Fear of having a heart attack can motivate you to start exercise regularly. Fear of not being able to earn enough money can motivate you study harder.
Fear can also be a bad and unwelcome companion on your journey towards self-improvement. You must learn to say no to allowing fear on your journey. Fear can stop you from taking your journey or completing it. You must develop some psychological tools to deal with fear if you are going to be successful at achieving your self-improvement goal. Psychology plays a very important role in overcoming any problem including those posed by fear.
Psychologically you must arm yourself with all the reasons why you decided to go on your self-improvement journey. List the reasons and read them out loud.
Are the reasons still valid? Do you still desire to achieve your self-improvement goal? Fear can make it impossible to take a chance or to take the required actions needed in order to achieve your goal.
4 psychological tips to help you overcome fear:
Make a list of all of the positive results that will be achieved when you reach your self-improvement goal. The results can be health benefits, being able to fit into a smaller size of clothing, looking better, etc.
Picture someone else who has already achieved what you are trying to do. Knowing that someone else can achieve your goal can give you a psychological incentive to do so too.
Make a list of the things that could happen to you if you do not achieve your self-improvement goal. How much would you lose if these things happened?
Now picture yourself after you have successfully completed all the steps necessary to achieve your self-improvement goal. What do you look like? How is your life different?
You can overcome fear and successfully say no to this unwelcome companion if you use psychology as a tool.
Fear that motivates you to start a self-improvement project is good and fear that stops you from achieving your self-improvement goal is bad. Only you can tell if the fear you are experiencing will motivate your self-improvement or hinder it.
For more information related to Personal Development, visit http://PersonalDevelopmentMaster.com site. Personal Development Master site provides self improvement tips, personal developing skills and motivation, inspiration information to expand awareness, gain control of one's life. We believe that with self education, everyone is a Personal Development Master.
To determine if fear is a good companion or bad one you need to examine if it is motivating you or keeping you back from achieving your self-improvement goal. Fear that is good is apparent before you decision to self-improve and fear that is bad occurs as you are trying to achieve your self-improvement goal.
Fear can be a good companion if it motivates you to start improving yourself. Fear of not being promoted can motivate you to work harder. Fear of having a heart attack can motivate you to start exercise regularly. Fear of not being able to earn enough money can motivate you study harder.
Fear can also be a bad and unwelcome companion on your journey towards self-improvement. You must learn to say no to allowing fear on your journey. Fear can stop you from taking your journey or completing it. You must develop some psychological tools to deal with fear if you are going to be successful at achieving your self-improvement goal. Psychology plays a very important role in overcoming any problem including those posed by fear.
Psychologically you must arm yourself with all the reasons why you decided to go on your self-improvement journey. List the reasons and read them out loud.
Are the reasons still valid? Do you still desire to achieve your self-improvement goal? Fear can make it impossible to take a chance or to take the required actions needed in order to achieve your goal.
4 psychological tips to help you overcome fear:
Make a list of all of the positive results that will be achieved when you reach your self-improvement goal. The results can be health benefits, being able to fit into a smaller size of clothing, looking better, etc.
Picture someone else who has already achieved what you are trying to do. Knowing that someone else can achieve your goal can give you a psychological incentive to do so too.
Make a list of the things that could happen to you if you do not achieve your self-improvement goal. How much would you lose if these things happened?
Now picture yourself after you have successfully completed all the steps necessary to achieve your self-improvement goal. What do you look like? How is your life different?
You can overcome fear and successfully say no to this unwelcome companion if you use psychology as a tool.
Fear that motivates you to start a self-improvement project is good and fear that stops you from achieving your self-improvement goal is bad. Only you can tell if the fear you are experiencing will motivate your self-improvement or hinder it.
For more information related to Personal Development, visit http://PersonalDevelopmentMaster.com site. Personal Development Master site provides self improvement tips, personal developing skills and motivation, inspiration information to expand awareness, gain control of one's life. We believe that with self education, everyone is a Personal Development Master.
12 March 2011
Tiga Kaedah Bagaimana Untuk Mengurangkan Sikap Buruk sangka
Apa sikap buruk sangka ini?
Burk sangka atau skeptik ialah meragui sesuatu, ia adalah emosi takut jika apa yang Kita hendakkan tak tercapai, risau tak menjadi, risau tak seperti yang dijangkakan.
Bagi memahami apakah skeptik, anggap ia sebagai keraguan terhadap sesuatu. kita simply rasa tak yakin sepenuhnya.
Di bawah ini adalah dua cara bagaimana untuk mengurangkan sikap buruk sangka…
1. Tumpu pada apa yang bisa berlaku, bukan pada yang barangkali boleh jadi.
Ayat berlainan memberi kesan berlainan di minda. Apabila kita fokus fikiran pada apa yang berupaya berlaku, Kita jadi tak ragu. Tatkala kita memfokus pada apa yang mungkin berupaya jadi, Kita menjadi ragu. Timbul rasa skeptik disebabkan oleh perkataan ‘mungkin’. Visualisasikan hasil, tumpu pada apa yang berupaya kita buat, bukan pada apa yang barangkali berupaya gagal.
2. Elak guna perkataan berusaha, sebaliknya buat saja!
Hindar melatih diri dari sentiasa menggunakan perkataan cuba, misalnya “aku cuba bagi menjadi yang terbaik”. Gunakan perkataan “aku pilih bagi…” (I make a choice to..) dan “aku hendak…” agar kita boleh kurangkan sikap skeptik dan lupakannya.
Apabila Kita sebut perkataan “aku cuba” atau terdetik berusaha untuk mencapai sesuatu, tidak semena-mena akan timbul merasa ragu. Sebenarnya ini normal, tapi menjadi tidak normal selepas bertukar jadi negatif tatkala ia jadi besar, bertukar jadi kegusaran berpanjangan.
Bagi melawan malas, caranya rajinkan diri. Jangan sebut perkataan “tidak mahu malas” sebab meskipun kita berusaha lawan malas, kita rasa bertambah malas.
Bagi melawan buruk sangka, caranya optimiskan diri, hindar untuk guna perkataan “melawan rasa skpetik” sebab Kita akan menjadi semakin buruk sangka, bertambah gusar. Apa yang kita lawan, itulah yang Kita akan peroleh!
Jadi bagaimana? Pilihlah untuk jadi orang BERANI GAGAL!.
Ketika sudah kuat hati untuk gagal, skeptik menghilang dan mengurang. Tabiat buruk sangka kita tak boleh buang, Kita cuma berupaya kurangkan, kecilkan dan kawal.
Bagi memahirkan diri menahan sikap skeptik, berlatihlah untuk melihat apa yang boleh terjadi, sesudah itu bertindaklah merealisasikannya.
kita tidak akan kenyang kalau cuma membayangkan ayam KFC.
Kita tidak akan kenyang kalau cuma menvisualisasikan diri kita tengah memakan daging ayam KFC.
kita kena bertindak dan bergerak! Buka kaedah serta berjalanlah menuju ke restoran KFC.
Pergi ke kaunter dan order sepiring daging ayam KFC!
Nampak tak?
Bagi merubah sesuatu (umpamanya dalam misalan tadi, merubah berasa lapar menjadi berasa kenyang) kita perlu kenangkan dulu, bayangkan lalu bertindaklah merealisasikannya.
Burk sangka atau skeptik ialah meragui sesuatu, ia adalah emosi takut jika apa yang Kita hendakkan tak tercapai, risau tak menjadi, risau tak seperti yang dijangkakan.
Bagi memahami apakah skeptik, anggap ia sebagai keraguan terhadap sesuatu. kita simply rasa tak yakin sepenuhnya.
Di bawah ini adalah dua cara bagaimana untuk mengurangkan sikap buruk sangka…
1. Tumpu pada apa yang bisa berlaku, bukan pada yang barangkali boleh jadi.
Ayat berlainan memberi kesan berlainan di minda. Apabila kita fokus fikiran pada apa yang berupaya berlaku, Kita jadi tak ragu. Tatkala kita memfokus pada apa yang mungkin berupaya jadi, Kita menjadi ragu. Timbul rasa skeptik disebabkan oleh perkataan ‘mungkin’. Visualisasikan hasil, tumpu pada apa yang berupaya kita buat, bukan pada apa yang barangkali berupaya gagal.
2. Elak guna perkataan berusaha, sebaliknya buat saja!
Hindar melatih diri dari sentiasa menggunakan perkataan cuba, misalnya “aku cuba bagi menjadi yang terbaik”. Gunakan perkataan “aku pilih bagi…” (I make a choice to..) dan “aku hendak…” agar kita boleh kurangkan sikap skeptik dan lupakannya.
Apabila Kita sebut perkataan “aku cuba” atau terdetik berusaha untuk mencapai sesuatu, tidak semena-mena akan timbul merasa ragu. Sebenarnya ini normal, tapi menjadi tidak normal selepas bertukar jadi negatif tatkala ia jadi besar, bertukar jadi kegusaran berpanjangan.
Bagi melawan malas, caranya rajinkan diri. Jangan sebut perkataan “tidak mahu malas” sebab meskipun kita berusaha lawan malas, kita rasa bertambah malas.
Bagi melawan buruk sangka, caranya optimiskan diri, hindar untuk guna perkataan “melawan rasa skpetik” sebab Kita akan menjadi semakin buruk sangka, bertambah gusar. Apa yang kita lawan, itulah yang Kita akan peroleh!
Jadi bagaimana? Pilihlah untuk jadi orang BERANI GAGAL!.
Ketika sudah kuat hati untuk gagal, skeptik menghilang dan mengurang. Tabiat buruk sangka kita tak boleh buang, Kita cuma berupaya kurangkan, kecilkan dan kawal.
Bagi memahirkan diri menahan sikap skeptik, berlatihlah untuk melihat apa yang boleh terjadi, sesudah itu bertindaklah merealisasikannya.
kita tidak akan kenyang kalau cuma membayangkan ayam KFC.
Kita tidak akan kenyang kalau cuma menvisualisasikan diri kita tengah memakan daging ayam KFC.
kita kena bertindak dan bergerak! Buka kaedah serta berjalanlah menuju ke restoran KFC.
Pergi ke kaunter dan order sepiring daging ayam KFC!
Nampak tak?
Bagi merubah sesuatu (umpamanya dalam misalan tadi, merubah berasa lapar menjadi berasa kenyang) kita perlu kenangkan dulu, bayangkan lalu bertindaklah merealisasikannya.
11 March 2011
Perbuatan Baik Dibalas Jahat? Ikuti panduan Ini
kita lakukan sesuatu yang bagus pada seseorang, lepas itu dia pula lakukan sesuatu yang jahat pada kita. Tindakan bagus kita dibalas bersama tindakan jahat. Sedihnya. Apa nak lakukan lepas ini? Berikut adalah tiga hal perlu kita buat tika perbuatan baik kita dibalas bersama perbuatan jahat.
1. Serahkan soalan balasan perbuatannya pada Allah.
Allah Yang Esa memiliki kaedah tersendiri untuk membalas setiap tindakan jahat orang sekeliling kepada kita. Sebagai contoh, mungkin Allah Yang Esa akan buat rezekinya disempitkan, hidupnya disusahkan, usahanya digagalkan. kita tidak akan dapat kuasai jumlah manusia yang berbuat jahat pada kita. kita tidak akan boleh elak manusia hendak buat jahat pada kita. Tapi orang yang berbuat jahat pada kita pastinya tidak akan boleh hindar balasan Allah Yang Esa atas setiap tindakan jahat mereka. Soal balas-membalas perbuatan jahat manusia pada kita, itu urusan Tuhan. Serahkan pada Tuhan. Kerja kita, teruskan bersangka baik, teruskan berperangai baik, teruskan berkata bagus-bagus. Sebagai orang Melayu beragama Islam, kita makhluk bertuhan, maka usah jangan ingat Tuhan.
2. Doakan dia.
Manusia buat jahat pada kita, kita kena doakan dia. Haa? Kenapa pulak? Mana berupaya! (Selalunya inilah ayat yang kita akan kata!) Doakan agar dia berubah. Sebenarnya, kalau kita balas perbuatan jahat manusia pada kita dengan tindakan jahat hingga berdendam, ketahuilah kita sudah masuk ke dalam perangkap pemikiran negatif. Kesannya, fikiran kita menjadi negatif seta merta. Perbuatan kita menjadi negatif, hidup kita di kelilingi situasi-situasi negatif. Manusia mempunyai fikiran negatif hidupnya tidak pernah aman, tidak pernah mara sebab rasa dendam menangkis sapa-sapa sahaja dari menjadi orang berjaya. kita akan kerap ditimpa musibah dan beban tatkala menjadi manusia suka berdendam, walaupun rasa dendam tu cuma sebesar kaki semut. kita akan kata kesemua masalah yang muncul dalam hidup kita, kita tak pernah minta. Pada hakikatnya kita sendirilah yang memanggil kesusahan tu datang ke dalam hidup kita kerana kita menyimpan dendam. Hindar berdendam oleh sebab rasa dendam yang sedikit akan menjadikan anda penuh dendam. Lebih banyak rasa dendam tersimpan di hati, lebih payah merasa kita hendak memperoleh kecemerlangan dalam apa juga perkara.
3. Terus mara ke depan, usah menoleh ke belakang lagi.
Usaha memburu kecemerlangan tidak pernah serik dari dugaan. Seumpama contoh, jika kita nak jadi pekerja cemerlang, pastinya akan ada manusia sekeliling yang tidak puas hati. Mengapa? Cemburu, simply kerana dia tidak nak melihat kita maju. kita tidak akan dapat hindar orang yang cemburu pada kita. kita tidak akan dapat tahan rasa cemburu manusia pada kita. kita tidak akan dapat halang mana-mana orang daripada mencemburui kita. Usah layan fikiran-fikiran camni kerana ia akan mengubah tumpu otak kita. Sebaik-baik kesibukan ialah kesibukan memajukan diri, bukan kesibukan memikir cakapan-cakapan manusia tentang kita. Usah sibukkan fikiran dengan cakapan-cakapan manusia kerana kita akan tak ada pedoman, tiada pembangunan diri, tiada inspirasi. kita akan mudah bersangka buruk kerana kita sentiasa memikir apa yang orang cakap pasal diri kita, kita akan gemar kenangkan yang bukan-bukan.
Bagi menangani hal sebegini, maafkan saja orang yang berbuat jahat pada kita. Maafkan saja manusia yang berdendam pada kita. Lepas tu, lupakan kesalahannya. Selepas itu, LET GO hal tu, jangan cuba berusaha nak kenang lagi walau sekadar terlintas sesaat di fikiran. kita kena pastikan jiwa kita bersih selalu agar kita jadi bermotivasi sentiasa. Jika teringat walaupun beberapa saat, ingatan yang sedikit tu akan meneutralkan kepositifan kita.
Untuk menjadi insan mempunyai fikiran positif, kita kena bebaskan hati, fikiran dan percakapan daripada aspek-aspek negatif. Ketahuilah aspek negatif ini jika memilikinya walaupun cuma sedikit, ia akan merosakkan fikiran positif.
Bagi melupakan perkara-perkara negatif, teringatkan sahaja perkara-hal positif sepanjang masa. Jangan lawan fikiran negatif, sebaliknya, penuhkan minda dengan aspek-aspek positif macam kegembiraan, keseronokan,kebahagiaan,berasa kekitaan. Makin kita lawan sesuatu, makin banyaklah kita dapat apa yang kita lawan tu.
1. Serahkan soalan balasan perbuatannya pada Allah.
Allah Yang Esa memiliki kaedah tersendiri untuk membalas setiap tindakan jahat orang sekeliling kepada kita. Sebagai contoh, mungkin Allah Yang Esa akan buat rezekinya disempitkan, hidupnya disusahkan, usahanya digagalkan. kita tidak akan dapat kuasai jumlah manusia yang berbuat jahat pada kita. kita tidak akan boleh elak manusia hendak buat jahat pada kita. Tapi orang yang berbuat jahat pada kita pastinya tidak akan boleh hindar balasan Allah Yang Esa atas setiap tindakan jahat mereka. Soal balas-membalas perbuatan jahat manusia pada kita, itu urusan Tuhan. Serahkan pada Tuhan. Kerja kita, teruskan bersangka baik, teruskan berperangai baik, teruskan berkata bagus-bagus. Sebagai orang Melayu beragama Islam, kita makhluk bertuhan, maka usah jangan ingat Tuhan.
2. Doakan dia.
Manusia buat jahat pada kita, kita kena doakan dia. Haa? Kenapa pulak? Mana berupaya! (Selalunya inilah ayat yang kita akan kata!) Doakan agar dia berubah. Sebenarnya, kalau kita balas perbuatan jahat manusia pada kita dengan tindakan jahat hingga berdendam, ketahuilah kita sudah masuk ke dalam perangkap pemikiran negatif. Kesannya, fikiran kita menjadi negatif seta merta. Perbuatan kita menjadi negatif, hidup kita di kelilingi situasi-situasi negatif. Manusia mempunyai fikiran negatif hidupnya tidak pernah aman, tidak pernah mara sebab rasa dendam menangkis sapa-sapa sahaja dari menjadi orang berjaya. kita akan kerap ditimpa musibah dan beban tatkala menjadi manusia suka berdendam, walaupun rasa dendam tu cuma sebesar kaki semut. kita akan kata kesemua masalah yang muncul dalam hidup kita, kita tak pernah minta. Pada hakikatnya kita sendirilah yang memanggil kesusahan tu datang ke dalam hidup kita kerana kita menyimpan dendam. Hindar berdendam oleh sebab rasa dendam yang sedikit akan menjadikan anda penuh dendam. Lebih banyak rasa dendam tersimpan di hati, lebih payah merasa kita hendak memperoleh kecemerlangan dalam apa juga perkara.
3. Terus mara ke depan, usah menoleh ke belakang lagi.
Usaha memburu kecemerlangan tidak pernah serik dari dugaan. Seumpama contoh, jika kita nak jadi pekerja cemerlang, pastinya akan ada manusia sekeliling yang tidak puas hati. Mengapa? Cemburu, simply kerana dia tidak nak melihat kita maju. kita tidak akan dapat hindar orang yang cemburu pada kita. kita tidak akan dapat tahan rasa cemburu manusia pada kita. kita tidak akan dapat halang mana-mana orang daripada mencemburui kita. Usah layan fikiran-fikiran camni kerana ia akan mengubah tumpu otak kita. Sebaik-baik kesibukan ialah kesibukan memajukan diri, bukan kesibukan memikir cakapan-cakapan manusia tentang kita. Usah sibukkan fikiran dengan cakapan-cakapan manusia kerana kita akan tak ada pedoman, tiada pembangunan diri, tiada inspirasi. kita akan mudah bersangka buruk kerana kita sentiasa memikir apa yang orang cakap pasal diri kita, kita akan gemar kenangkan yang bukan-bukan.
Bagi menangani hal sebegini, maafkan saja orang yang berbuat jahat pada kita. Maafkan saja manusia yang berdendam pada kita. Lepas tu, lupakan kesalahannya. Selepas itu, LET GO hal tu, jangan cuba berusaha nak kenang lagi walau sekadar terlintas sesaat di fikiran. kita kena pastikan jiwa kita bersih selalu agar kita jadi bermotivasi sentiasa. Jika teringat walaupun beberapa saat, ingatan yang sedikit tu akan meneutralkan kepositifan kita.
Untuk menjadi insan mempunyai fikiran positif, kita kena bebaskan hati, fikiran dan percakapan daripada aspek-aspek negatif. Ketahuilah aspek negatif ini jika memilikinya walaupun cuma sedikit, ia akan merosakkan fikiran positif.
Bagi melupakan perkara-perkara negatif, teringatkan sahaja perkara-hal positif sepanjang masa. Jangan lawan fikiran negatif, sebaliknya, penuhkan minda dengan aspek-aspek positif macam kegembiraan, keseronokan,kebahagiaan,berasa kekitaan. Makin kita lawan sesuatu, makin banyaklah kita dapat apa yang kita lawan tu.
10 March 2011
Cara Memulai Sesuatu
Cara memulai adalah dengan berhenti berbicara dan mulai melakukan.
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
~ Walt Disney
09 March 2011
Memberi dan Menerima
Mereka yang dapat memberi tanpa mengingat, dan menerima tanpa melupakan akan diberkati.
Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.
~ Author Unknown
08 March 2011
Syarat Syarat Untuk Rasa Kesyukuran Memberi Impak Di Dalam Jiwa
Di bawah ini ialah 2 syarat bagi senarai rasa syukur memberi impak di hati kita:
Latih diri untuk bertenang-tenang selalu. Kelam-kabut serta gusar ialah keperibadian negatif oleh sebab ia dikaitkan dengan sifat syaitan. Kedamaian serta ketenangan hati ialah keperibadian positif kerana ia dikaitkan bersama keperibadian malaikat juga keperibadian manusia soleh.
Bila kita duduk, berdiri, berbaring, memandu, buat sesuatu tugas atau tengah bersantai-santai di hadapan tv, cuba lakukan sambil bertenang iaitu bersama relakskan diri. Jika kita sudah merasa relaks, berusaha bagi rasa lenih relaks, sesudah itu lebih relaks lagi dari yang tadi.
Elak sikap suka menyindir serta sikap melepas geram (atau berasa tak puas hati) melalui sindiran boleh menghapuskan rasa kegirangan kita, umpama nila setitik hancur santan sebelanga. Setiap kali kita membina Senarai Rasa syukur atau Nota Terima Kasih, ia tak akan menghasilkan impak apa-apa di jiwa, kesyukuran yang Anda ucap bagai terhalang-halang jadinya.
Maafkan kesalahan orang lain pada Anda. Maafkan, lupakan, permit it to pass!. Merasa rasa marah ibarat batu besar yang tidak berhenti jatuh suatu persatu daripada atas bila mendaki ke puncak bukit. Pilihlah untuk menjadi insan pemaaf sebab kita akan jadi lebih bahagia, lebih gembira. Syaratnya, jangan teringatkan selalu hal-hal menyakitkan hati, tapi kenang sentiasa hal-hal yang Anda syukuri kemudian lafazkan ‘terima kasih yang Maha Esa’. Hati banyak suka, tak gitu?
Latih diri untuk bertenang-tenang selalu. Kelam-kabut serta gusar ialah keperibadian negatif oleh sebab ia dikaitkan dengan sifat syaitan. Kedamaian serta ketenangan hati ialah keperibadian positif kerana ia dikaitkan bersama keperibadian malaikat juga keperibadian manusia soleh.
Bila kita duduk, berdiri, berbaring, memandu, buat sesuatu tugas atau tengah bersantai-santai di hadapan tv, cuba lakukan sambil bertenang iaitu bersama relakskan diri. Jika kita sudah merasa relaks, berusaha bagi rasa lenih relaks, sesudah itu lebih relaks lagi dari yang tadi.
Elak sikap suka menyindir serta sikap melepas geram (atau berasa tak puas hati) melalui sindiran boleh menghapuskan rasa kegirangan kita, umpama nila setitik hancur santan sebelanga. Setiap kali kita membina Senarai Rasa syukur atau Nota Terima Kasih, ia tak akan menghasilkan impak apa-apa di jiwa, kesyukuran yang Anda ucap bagai terhalang-halang jadinya.
Maafkan kesalahan orang lain pada Anda. Maafkan, lupakan, permit it to pass!. Merasa rasa marah ibarat batu besar yang tidak berhenti jatuh suatu persatu daripada atas bila mendaki ke puncak bukit. Pilihlah untuk menjadi insan pemaaf sebab kita akan jadi lebih bahagia, lebih gembira. Syaratnya, jangan teringatkan selalu hal-hal menyakitkan hati, tapi kenang sentiasa hal-hal yang Anda syukuri kemudian lafazkan ‘terima kasih yang Maha Esa’. Hati banyak suka, tak gitu?
07 March 2011
Tiga Cara Bagaimana Memberi Tindakbalas Terhadap Kritikan
Komen selalunya negatif hanya bagi membetulkan kesalahan kita. Terdapat juga kritikan dibuat untuk menjatuhkan kita. Dalam situasi lain, seseorang mengkritik kita bersama kata-kata kesat hanya untuk merosakkan nama kita di khalayak ramai. Kalau kita dikritik, apa yang seeloknya perlu dibuat supaya kita terus bermotivasi?
Berikut adalah tiga langkah bagaimana untuk memberi tindakbalas positif pada komen-komen negatif.
1. Maafkan Si Pengkritik Dan Maafkan Kata-katanya.
Kemaafan adalah kaedah paling penting untuk menjadikan kita berani pada tahap tinggi meskipun di kritik hebat. Jangan ingat percakapan yang mengkritik kita, anggap ia sebagai suatu panduan sahaja, lepas tu jangan dikenang. Jadikan komen seumpama kaedah kita mempelajari sesuatu. Katakan itu bukan kritikan, tapi kaedah untuk mengajar kita lakukan perkara yang betul. Maafkan si pengkritik. Menyimpan rasa marah terhadapnya hanya akan membuat kita tak bermotivasi.
2. Diam Dan Aman Saat Di Kritik.
Jangan berpeluk tubuh waktu di kritik. Pamerkan air muka aman, walaupun ketika itu hati kita marah, panas sebab dikritik, telinga kita pedas mendengar suara si pengkritik. Turunkan ego kita. Pakai mind-set pelajari daripada kehidupan sepanjang masa untuk menjadi manusia lebih baik. Untuk kita kekal bersemangat, kita perlu berfikiran positif dan bersangka baik sepanjang masa. Anggap kritikan cara untuk memberitahu kita bahawa perbuatan kita salah, hingga tak memenuhi piawaian. Tekad untuk berbuat lebih baik lagi di lain kali, Ketika terdapat ruang.
3. Sembunyikan kekuatan, Pamerkan Kemampuan Bertukar Perbaiki Diri.
Sehebat manapun kita, elak untuk merasa ujub ataupun rasa diri kita lebih bagus dari manusia lain. Sorokkan kehebatan. Pamerkan kesanggupan memajukan diri menggunakan perubahan berterusan. Latih diri kita jadi bertambah baik dari satu hari ke satu hari! Belajar cara yang betul, kemudian buat. Jangan memajukan diri hanya mahu mengalahkan si pengkritik namun majukanlah diri supaya kita berpuas hati dengan apa yang kita berjaya capai. Oleh tu, kita akan tabah mencapai suatu tahap pencapaian lebih tinggi. Jika kita mahu berjaya hanya oleh sebab mahu kalahkan si pengkritik, kita akan sakit hati Ketika dia bertambah maju. kita tidak akan tabah kerana kita berasa iri hati, dengki dan tidak seronok bersama kemajuannya. Kaedah paling bagus adalah set impian bagi diri sendiri kemudian dapatkan impian itu! Mindset persaingan membunuh semangat. Mind-set berusaha memperoleh impian menyuburkan semangat. kita akan sentiasa bermotivasi.
Berikut adalah tiga langkah bagaimana untuk memberi tindakbalas positif pada komen-komen negatif.
1. Maafkan Si Pengkritik Dan Maafkan Kata-katanya.
Kemaafan adalah kaedah paling penting untuk menjadikan kita berani pada tahap tinggi meskipun di kritik hebat. Jangan ingat percakapan yang mengkritik kita, anggap ia sebagai suatu panduan sahaja, lepas tu jangan dikenang. Jadikan komen seumpama kaedah kita mempelajari sesuatu. Katakan itu bukan kritikan, tapi kaedah untuk mengajar kita lakukan perkara yang betul. Maafkan si pengkritik. Menyimpan rasa marah terhadapnya hanya akan membuat kita tak bermotivasi.
2. Diam Dan Aman Saat Di Kritik.
Jangan berpeluk tubuh waktu di kritik. Pamerkan air muka aman, walaupun ketika itu hati kita marah, panas sebab dikritik, telinga kita pedas mendengar suara si pengkritik. Turunkan ego kita. Pakai mind-set pelajari daripada kehidupan sepanjang masa untuk menjadi manusia lebih baik. Untuk kita kekal bersemangat, kita perlu berfikiran positif dan bersangka baik sepanjang masa. Anggap kritikan cara untuk memberitahu kita bahawa perbuatan kita salah, hingga tak memenuhi piawaian. Tekad untuk berbuat lebih baik lagi di lain kali, Ketika terdapat ruang.
3. Sembunyikan kekuatan, Pamerkan Kemampuan Bertukar Perbaiki Diri.
Sehebat manapun kita, elak untuk merasa ujub ataupun rasa diri kita lebih bagus dari manusia lain. Sorokkan kehebatan. Pamerkan kesanggupan memajukan diri menggunakan perubahan berterusan. Latih diri kita jadi bertambah baik dari satu hari ke satu hari! Belajar cara yang betul, kemudian buat. Jangan memajukan diri hanya mahu mengalahkan si pengkritik namun majukanlah diri supaya kita berpuas hati dengan apa yang kita berjaya capai. Oleh tu, kita akan tabah mencapai suatu tahap pencapaian lebih tinggi. Jika kita mahu berjaya hanya oleh sebab mahu kalahkan si pengkritik, kita akan sakit hati Ketika dia bertambah maju. kita tidak akan tabah kerana kita berasa iri hati, dengki dan tidak seronok bersama kemajuannya. Kaedah paling bagus adalah set impian bagi diri sendiri kemudian dapatkan impian itu! Mindset persaingan membunuh semangat. Mind-set berusaha memperoleh impian menyuburkan semangat. kita akan sentiasa bermotivasi.
06 March 2011
Self Improvement - Motivation Sometimes Comes From the Most Unlikely Sources
In 1997, Michael Dell of Dell Computers publicly stated that the best thing Apple computers could do to avoid financial failure was to dissolve the company and return the money to the shareholders. Obviously, Steve Jobs saved that message because on Friday 13th, 2006, Mr. Jobs sent an email to all employees sharing how Apple's shares are now worth more than Dell's. (Source: New York Times, John Markoff)
The best thing that happened to Apple in the 1997 outside of rehiring its founder was the gauntlet that Dell threw at the feet of Steve Jobs. Coming in as CEO, Jobs had an enormous challenge, but he and his team persevered and accomplished what many in the industry thought impossible.
Motivation is a tricky thing. By its definition, motivate means an inner drive. Yet, so much can quench that inward movement from existing belief systems to outside external forces. To keep that flame of motivation burning brightly within every individual is an ongoing challenge. Occasionally, we may have unintentional help from outside sources as in the case of Mr. Dell's remarks.
How many times have you been ready to quit, give up and then someone throws a personal challenge or a gauntlet at your feet? All of the sudden you realize that only difference between can't and can is one simple apostrophe and the letter t. Your thoughts are now full of positive energy that is pumping throughout your body. The childhood story of the Little Red Engine becomes your personal mantra, "Yes, I can, Yes, I can..." Success is now so much more real.
Who knows whether Apple would have surpassed Dell without the false prediction of Michael Dell? What I do know that in working with my small business coaching clients is that everyone can benefit from the likes of those who believe that they can foretell the future. For we all know the future is what we make it to be and not what someone wants it to be.
What is motivating you to be to where you want to be. The M.A.P. for Success, a FREE email course may help you begin to chart a course of business, professional or personal success. Visit http://www.processspecialist.com/action-plan.htm.
Do you need more motivation? Then check out the success coaching gym.
Leanne Hoagland-Smith, chief customer officer, helps organizations through business training coaching services to return to the purpose of business that being building ravings fans while increasing productivity and profitability. With offices in Chicago, Indianapolis and colleagues nationwide, she can help you become the Red Jacket in the Sea of Gray Suits. Call 219.759.5601 to schedule a free business coaching consultation.
The best thing that happened to Apple in the 1997 outside of rehiring its founder was the gauntlet that Dell threw at the feet of Steve Jobs. Coming in as CEO, Jobs had an enormous challenge, but he and his team persevered and accomplished what many in the industry thought impossible.
Motivation is a tricky thing. By its definition, motivate means an inner drive. Yet, so much can quench that inward movement from existing belief systems to outside external forces. To keep that flame of motivation burning brightly within every individual is an ongoing challenge. Occasionally, we may have unintentional help from outside sources as in the case of Mr. Dell's remarks.
How many times have you been ready to quit, give up and then someone throws a personal challenge or a gauntlet at your feet? All of the sudden you realize that only difference between can't and can is one simple apostrophe and the letter t. Your thoughts are now full of positive energy that is pumping throughout your body. The childhood story of the Little Red Engine becomes your personal mantra, "Yes, I can, Yes, I can..." Success is now so much more real.
Who knows whether Apple would have surpassed Dell without the false prediction of Michael Dell? What I do know that in working with my small business coaching clients is that everyone can benefit from the likes of those who believe that they can foretell the future. For we all know the future is what we make it to be and not what someone wants it to be.
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Leanne Hoagland-Smith, chief customer officer, helps organizations through business training coaching services to return to the purpose of business that being building ravings fans while increasing productivity and profitability. With offices in Chicago, Indianapolis and colleagues nationwide, she can help you become the Red Jacket in the Sea of Gray Suits. Call 219.759.5601 to schedule a free business coaching consultation.
05 March 2011
Pikiran Ibarat Parasut
Pikiran kita ibarat parasut, hanya berfungsi ketika terbuka.
Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.
~ Thomas Dewar
Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.
~ Thomas Dewar
04 March 2011
Self Improvement Month - Is It True That There Is Something Called A Self-Improvement Month?
If we try to find out of all the months which is best for self improvement, the answer is the month of November. It is believed by many as the month of self improvement. It is also believed to be the best time to engage in different types of works which would help us improve over all as a person, for example registering for writing or for the personality enhancement classes, learning a different hobby or learning about arts and craft, reading books, watching educational and inspiring shows or going for a vacation with the family to spend time with them.
The confusion lies in, is there really something like self improvement month? For those whose answer is in affirmative, it certainly is the month of November.
Going at a deeper level, actually every month should be for self improvement and improvement of anyone should not be confined to time and period rather whenever the need for improvement is felt, the person should work on it head on. Anytime is the best time for improvement and improvement doesn't depend on any particular time of the day, week, month or year rather every second and minute is right for improvement.
Man is bestowed with intellect, that's why man is above all creations of God. Man is superior to all beings. Therefore we must improve every single day and use our intellect and energy towards improvement. Keeping all such endeavors for a single month amounts to limiting ourselves, which is an insult to us and our abilities.
Since its been ruled out now about a particular month being best for our improvement, so we must focus our mind on improving ourselves and our surroundings. How do we so this? Change is of various types, whether we should opt for physical change, emotional change, improving skills or psychological change or anything else that we would want to change to improve. Whatever one decides, they should stick to it and make it take shape.
Do you want to manage stress? Read articles to get information regarding its management or take part in a stress management program .Do you want to learn knitting or the way a basket is woven, once you have decided, just do it. Nothing can stop you from doing only if you make up your mind to do it. Have you desired to go for surfing, then go for it, and do it now, what should you wait for to do so?
Don't prepare to live just live the life you have always wanted to, and the best way you have ever wanted to. This builds self confidence in people and guides them to more fruitful life and these people engage in things which would eventually take them to fulfill what they always dreamt about and always have been wanting. To live a life more fulfilling and satisfying should be enough to motivate you.
Abhishek is a self-proclaimed Personality Development Guru and has written several books on this topic! Visit his website www.Positive-You.com and Download his FREE Personality Development Report and discover some amazing self-improvement tips for FREE. Become the best you can become and reclaim your life! But hurry, only limited Free copies available! www.Positive-You.com
The confusion lies in, is there really something like self improvement month? For those whose answer is in affirmative, it certainly is the month of November.
Going at a deeper level, actually every month should be for self improvement and improvement of anyone should not be confined to time and period rather whenever the need for improvement is felt, the person should work on it head on. Anytime is the best time for improvement and improvement doesn't depend on any particular time of the day, week, month or year rather every second and minute is right for improvement.
Man is bestowed with intellect, that's why man is above all creations of God. Man is superior to all beings. Therefore we must improve every single day and use our intellect and energy towards improvement. Keeping all such endeavors for a single month amounts to limiting ourselves, which is an insult to us and our abilities.
Since its been ruled out now about a particular month being best for our improvement, so we must focus our mind on improving ourselves and our surroundings. How do we so this? Change is of various types, whether we should opt for physical change, emotional change, improving skills or psychological change or anything else that we would want to change to improve. Whatever one decides, they should stick to it and make it take shape.
Do you want to manage stress? Read articles to get information regarding its management or take part in a stress management program .Do you want to learn knitting or the way a basket is woven, once you have decided, just do it. Nothing can stop you from doing only if you make up your mind to do it. Have you desired to go for surfing, then go for it, and do it now, what should you wait for to do so?
Don't prepare to live just live the life you have always wanted to, and the best way you have ever wanted to. This builds self confidence in people and guides them to more fruitful life and these people engage in things which would eventually take them to fulfill what they always dreamt about and always have been wanting. To live a life more fulfilling and satisfying should be enough to motivate you.
Abhishek is a self-proclaimed Personality Development Guru and has written several books on this topic! Visit his website www.Positive-You.com and Download his FREE Personality Development Report and discover some amazing self-improvement tips for FREE. Become the best you can become and reclaim your life! But hurry, only limited Free copies available! www.Positive-You.com
03 March 2011
Why You're Getting Absolutely Nowhere in Your Self Improvement Path - Part 1
I remember it clearly as if it were yesterday...
It was in the early 2000s, in the month of November, on a sunny afternoon. (I know, how cliche, but it really was sunny that afternoon.)
It was a really strange time of my life because I wasn't working, having left the only "real job" of my adult life almost a year earlier. Well, I was sort of working with some startup that had big dreams, but I wasn't getting paid for it, and frankly, I was just going through the motions with it and with life as a whole. I really had no drive to do anything, no motivation, nothing whatsoever. Of course I would've "liked" to have the symbols of success (nice care, nice pad, money, etc.) if they were bestowed to me by some benevolent "genie", but really, that obviously wasn't happening. Not only did I NOT have the desire or the motivation to pursue these things, but honestly, I didn't think I had the capability of attaining them either if I were to pursue them.
Now, of course I know that the pursuit of material things is a road to nowhere, but really, if I had been pursuing these things, at least I would've been passionate about SOMETHING, and have been moving in SOME direction. In my case, I was just standing still doing nothing.
The thing was, I wasn't lazy, nor was I depressed. I was just simply devoid of any desire for anything in life. I just didn't care. I was bereft of any inspiration to do anything at all.
Was I happy?
Well...would you be if you were living like this? I think we both know the answer.
Deep down I knew there was something wrong considering the fact I hadn't always been like this. The thing was, on the surface I thought that me being devoid of any ambition or any desire was the right, spiritual way to be, but it fought with every nuance of my being on a deeper level, i.e. it sucked to be me.
I think Thoreau coined my condition best: "quiet desperation."
So, there I was, on this particular November afternoon, stopping in front of a bookstore that had a table display of books, when one in particular piqued my curiosity due to the title, so I picked it up in order to check it out.
I glance through the book and its subject matter seemed interesting enough, but I didn't feel a need to buy it. However, over the next few days, for some reason, my mind kept on going back to that book, though I didn't even remember the name, so the next time I passed by the bookstore, I bought the book.
And you know what? The book changed my life...
The name? "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, a book about the principles of success. Well actually, it was another version of the book, "Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice" by Dennis Kimbro, but reading that prompted me to possessedly go and buy the original version by Napoleon Hill. Needless to say, these two books single handedly gave me back something I hadn't felt in several years: my inspiration in life to be successful and do something great on this earth.
In addition to re-kindling my desire to be successful, after reading these books over and over, and over again, I realized something else: I had a pitifully LOW self-esteem.
Low self esteem is funny, because most people who have it don't know they have it and would never admit to it. If someone who was able to notice low self esteem in another person and pointed it out to him, he (or she) would either deny it or get very defensive. This is because people are very good at hiding their low self esteem from themselves through innumerable avenues, some of which include, erecting walls of materialism, bravado, or by simply just being an out and out asshole to the entire world.
I was no different.
It was when I learned this that I can say that I officially started my path of "self improvement" and self discovery. (There's a reason why I put "self improvement" in quotes, stay tuned). I hit the ground running and threw myself into the whole process headfirst. My burning desire was to become a better person, raise my self esteem, and become a confident person that was secure with himself.
The Desert Years
Now, this is where I wish I could tell my happy ending, where I acquire unstoppable confidence, strike it filthy rich a few years later and fly off in my pink unicorn to my mansion on top of a hill at the end of the rainbow, where I sip glasses of Cristal and party nightly with the likes of Diddy and Naomi Campbell.
Nope. Definitely not with me.
Instead, I entered into another "desert" period in my life that lasted five years. It was a period where I experienced very little if any growth whatsoever. Instead I went around in circles, reading book, after book after book, going to different seminars, visiting a hypnotist, talking to coaches, listening to CD after CD, etc, all in the hopes of finding that magic pill, that one marvelous distinction that would enable me to finally let go of my negative beliefs, show me how to get over the past, and show me how to be a better person.
I remember buying book after book, hoping that each book would be "the one" that would give me that magical insight that would change my life. I would read each book accompanied with a "trusty" highlighter pen, highlighting everything I found insightful in the book, hoping that somehow these words would seep into my consciousness and help change me.
Sadly, that didn't happen. All I'd get was a dry highlighter pen, but no real personal growth. I instead become a walking "self help" encyclopedia, full of inspirational quotes that made me look all positive and enlightened. I probably was able to recite to you on command, page 73 of every book I read, that's how into "improving myself" I was.
As I read more and more books, I'd feel more "enlightened" and "knowledgeable", but at times, I'd have a somber moment where I'd say to myself, "you have all this knowledge, you've read all these books, but where's the REAL growth?" I'd ponder this briefly and then think, "Oh well, on to the next book!" and sweep the one insight that I TRULY needed to pay attention to under the rug.
I was lost.
I remember taking the Landmark Forum and its follow-up course, "The Advanced Seminar." I thought that now surely this was the place that would make me transform. After all, before I even took these courses I heard of some miraculous stories of the breakthroughs and transformations people received. As a matter of fact, upon taking these two courses. I did receive some tremendous insights, and I did see some people make some incredible remarkable change, but at the end of the day, I was thinking, "how 'bout me?"
I had more knowledge, more insight, but I still felt TERRIBLY lacking.
"Why can't I change?"
"When am I going to get rid of this horrible feeling of inadequacy I have?"
I would ask these questions to myself over and over again, after the next, best self-help tool I discovered out there that I hoped would empower me to become a better person wound up getting me nowhere. I went to a hypnotist, hoping she would be able to hypnotize me to be a confident person....that didn't' work. In fact in retrospect, I just think she was a sucky hypnotist (no offense to her). The only "improvement" I got from her was a lesson of not to EVER waste my money or time with her again.
I talked to several coaches...nothing. In fact, one got so frustrated with me he almost kicked me out of his coaching group.
It's funny, because during this period, I remember talking to a guy in my gym who I have to say, was a complete mess. He would complain to me over and over again about his girlfriend and how he didn't trust her. The obvious solution to his "problem" that I would explain to him was to leave her, but he'd have a barrel of excuses of why he couldn't do that. Yet, what surprised me was that he was an avid reader of self-help books, just like me, having ready many of the ones I had. He in fact bragged that he had a whole suitcase full of these books. I thought to myself in utter disgust, "Is this guy serious? Why is this guy such a debacle if he is supposed to have read all these books?"
The truth of the matter was that I really was no different myself. The reason why I was able to see that this guy was a debacle was because I was only seeing a reflection of myself in him. I, despite having read all these books was quite a debacle myself. I was pointing at him, but four fingers were pointing right back at me. I just didn't see it.
I really, really, really wanted to change. The coaches at the seminars I attended were able to sense my desperation. I had all this negative self-talk going on inside my head, and I wanted to get rid of it. I had this deep feeling of inadequacy, and I wanted get rid of that. I lacked confidence, and I wanted to gain it. I felt as if I had been a horrible, inconsiderate, insensitive bastard in the past, and I wanted to become a good person that people would be able to look up to. I wanted to learn how to stop clinging to my past and be able to let go.
What was frustrating was that during this period, I had read and heard stories about people who credited a certain book, seminar or encounter with someone for giving them some insight that changed the entire way they perceived themselves and the world. They would note that it was this "shift" in perception they received that enabled them to transform from insecure, "bad", unsuccessful people to happy, confident and successful.
I was looking for something that would do similar for me and fix all these "horrible" things I had. Yet, in all my five years of "self improvement", the only major change that had come in me was after I first read "Think and Grow Rich," which I wouldn't even count because it was what first got me on my path. So in actuality, in five years, I had really gotten nowhere.
Oddly enough, I was somehow able to fool myself that I was "changing" because I was reading all these books and gaining all these "wonderful" insights.
Yet funny how these "insights" brought absolutely no real improvement to the quality of my life, nor did they improve my self esteem in any way. I was the same old me who started the journey five years earlier covered with a thin veneer of knowledge from a bunch of self-help books and quotes spouted by famous people.
I was a mess.
I liken this period of my life to the Biblical story of the Israelites wandering the wilderness for forty years without entering the "Promised Land." They just tread the same ground over and over and over again for forty years.
I too was in the wilderness because I was in a place that was bearing no type of fruit. I just thank God it was five years, not forty.
Something had to give.
My "Deliverance"
So, 2005 comes along.
In the very beginning of this year, two significant things happen.
The first thing was when a cousin of mine came to my house for the first time and stayed for a few days. Upon looking at my bookshelf and seeing all these self help books, he comes to me and asks me, "Why are you looking for something you already have?"
That question struck me because it was told to me several years before. I didn't get it when it was first told to me, and I didn't get it when my cousin said it. However, now, these words struck me in a different way. I figured that since I was hearing these words for a second time, there must have been a message in there for me. I started to let them marinate in my spirit so I could find learn the message that they carried.
The second event was that I could sense that God was speaking to my heart trying to tell me something.
That "something" was Him telling me not to hang out with my childhood friends for the whole of 2005.
See, these childhood friends of mine have been my "family" for almost my entire life. They had also been a foundation of security for me most of my life, because I felt that no matter what I went through socially, they would always be there. The insight that God was giving me was that by not hanging out with them for an entire year, I will start to develop that foundation within myself. Also, being absent of their "influence" will help me start to see an aspect of myself that I previously wasn't aware of.
That's similar to the scenario of a tree bent in a certain way would grow in a certain way, however, if you unbend it, it would grow in a different direction.
This was a PROFOUND insight that I definitely could not have thought of on my own. It was completely out of the box of my reality.
Me, looking desperately for answers, saw no choice but to listen.
So to my childhood friends who are reading this, if you've been wondering why I wasn't around for all of '05 and making "excuses" why I couldn't hang out, (if you remember or even care), this was the reason. It was all for self discovery purposes, nothing personal. You guys may find it "weird", but I've come to accept the fact that I'm just not a normal person. Also, if you do find it weird, I retort with my oft repeated phrase that you know very well, "your opinion means absolutely nothing to me."
Either way, I digress.
So, getting back to 2005, it was a year like every other of the previous four years: going to seminars, reading book after book, having all these wonderful insights making me believe that I was enlightened, all coupled with the frustration of being in my own way. I think you get the picture.
However, come the last two months of that year, November and December, I received two MAJOR insights, one insight for each month, that unlike all the countless other "insights" I received, were the ones that were to lead me out of the wilderness.
The first one I'm not going to get into, as it I another topic for another blog. Also, it really didn't have an immediate effect on my life as did the second, which began to change things immediately.
The second insight is the topic of this blog.
It was late in December, a couple of days after Christmas. I was talking to my mom in her room while she was watching TV. In the conversation, she mentions to me that she had a deep conversation with my brother and the subject was yours truly.
She mentioned that my brother was complaining, added to the complaint of my other siblings that I was emotionally unavailable and even though he tried to communicate with me on a deeper level, I wouldn't let him in and kept him at arm length.
The news of this didn't shock me because my siblings had complained about this before. I knew that ever since my childhood that I had always been emotionally distant from my siblings and never really attempted to foster a close relationship with any of them. As I had "matured", I knew this wasn't a good thing, and I felt that by becoming a better person through my "self improvement", this would somehow remedy itself.
Upon hearing this, I told my mom that I was trying to change, and that I had been reading a lot of self improvement books and going to seminars for a number of years, and the insights I had received had helped me to grow.
I then asked her a crucial question, "Haven't you noticed any change in me?"
To this she responded that she didn't see too much of me because she left for work before me and I usually returned home from work late, and at that time she was already in bed, so she really couldn't tell if I had many any change at all.
All of sudden, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had been doing this whole self improvement "thing" to please my mother.
Why does that insight even matter?
Well let me take you back a few years to my childhood. When I was growing up, my father was the strict disciplinarian in the house, and coupled with that, he wasn't always an easy person to deal with. From a young age, he came down very hard on me and the older of my two sisters, and so, we were dependent on our mother for refuge.
Because of all this, it can be easy to see how my father became the "bad guy" and my mother was the "good guy". My father was the one associated with having a bad temper, being impatient, angry, etc, and my mother was associated with being loving, caring, patient, nurturing, etc. Thus, compared to our younger two siblings, it became important for me and the older of my two sisters to stay on our mother's "good side" because if we didn't, we would be at the mercy to the whims of our father.
Furthermore, as a child, I had a very bad temper, and was prone to throwing huge temper tantrums. When I would do this, my mom would say to me disapprovingly, "You're just like your father."
Well, of course, it sucked to hear that, because I didn't want to be like my father, I wanted to be like my mother. My mom knew this, and over the years, she would play the manipulation game whenever she and I would have a disagreement by hanging over my head the comment, "You're just like HIM."
This had the effect of immediately putting me on the defensive or shutting me up. Either way, it gave my mom a "power" over me. It made me want to be more like her, and since she became the "measuring stick" of who to be like in my house, it also made me believe all the other negative labels she had placed on me.
Thus, over the years, I would develop this persistent fear that I was going to turn out just like my father. One of the main reasons for embarking on the path of self improvement was to "finally address" this issue of me being this horrible person in the past and become a person who my mother could look at proudly and say, "Wow, you're totally different from your father. You're more like me."
This was the reason why I had gotten absolutely nowhere in five years of "self improvement." I had talked a big game of wanting to become a better, more positive person, improve my self esteem, etc, but in actuality all I wanted was approval from my mother.
I remember watching those Warner Brothers or Hanna Barbera cartoons as a little kid where some cat (Tom or Sylvester) would be trying to chase a little bird to eat, but their efforts were always thwarted by the big mother hen or some other guardian that watched over the little chick. So, to fool whoever was protecting the chick, the cat would disguise himself as a bird. However, the plan would always fail because although the cat was dressed as a bird, in one way or another, his nature of being a cat would always rise to the surface (e.g. trying to eat the little chick.)
This was similar to my quest for self improvement. On the surface, I was saying I wanted to become a better person, improve my self esteem, etc, but below that something else was going on.
You see, when I made the decision of improving myself, I was riddled with guilt for who I was up until that point for not naturally being able to display the "characteristics" of my mother. I felt guilty for being such a rude, inconsiderate, selfish, impatient bastard in my past, and because I felt I really couldn't be trusted with my own self improvement, I looked to others who accused me of these things in the past, as well as my mom as indicators of whether I was changing or not. Thus, the more pleasing I was to others, the happier I was because it meant I was changing. However, if I did something to step on another person's toes, I would be depressed that I was failing in my quest to become a better person.
To add to that, I also tried to be overly pleasing to women, which meant walking on egg shells around them because afraid to say the wrong thing, seeking their approval, and putting up with disrespect that I had no business putting up with. I figured by gaining the approval of women, it would mean that I was different from my father, which would gain me the prize of my mother's approval.
In any case, this all gave me a resentment towards women and my mother, because I gave them power over me to control my mental well being. What made me more resentful was that I wasn't getting their approval back in return.
All who are reading this may be able to take a "wild guess" as to how my dating life was.
If a person were to take a good look at my quest for self improvement, they would see me constantly beating myself for not being a good person, me beating myself up for days on end for lapsing into the "old me", me trying to acquire "knowledge" so as to impress people into believing I was a "good person", me being so stiff and stifled because I couldn't trust myself to be "free" because I might mess up, me being terrified of receiving someone's disapproval because then it meant that I really hadn't changed.
My goodness, it's a miracle that I didn't leap from a window or go postal.
I remember reading a quote during my years in the wilderness that went something like this (I don't remember it verbatim), "Change produced by hate can never produce love."
Oh yes, I definitely hated myself.
Now, let me ask you, does all this sound like self improvement to you?
Now you can see why I put "self improvement" in quotes. Clearly, I wasn't improving myself. All I was doing was seeking an affirmation that I wasn't a bad person while beating myself up along the way.
The thing was, I really didn't know I was doing all this.
It was as if I were setting out from a journey to Chicago from New York with a map of Detroit, complaining the whole time why I wasn't getting any closer to Chicago or why where I was winding up didn't resemble Chicago at all.
That revealing conversation with my mom made me realize I was looking at the wrong map.....DOH!
At least now with the right map, I could get an inkling of where I needed to go.
I would also like to add that had I not followed Divine guidance and taken time away from my friends, I probably wouldn't have gotten this revelation. Taking time away from the people that I had been around all my life allowed me to gain a different perspective of myself that made it ripe for me to receive the breakthrough I did.
Obedience to Divine guidance pays!
When I got this breakthrough, I was able to breathe a huge sigh of relief because a big burden was lifted off my back. I now was able to see that I had a lot of guilt in being a man instilled in me by society, my family and the Church, and I read some very interesting books that helped strip away a lot of that guilt. I also now began the painstaking process of untangling myself from approval seeking (which I might add is still going on up till now).
I also cut down considerably on the amount of self improvement books I read. The urgent need that I had once felt to read every self improvement book in sight left me.
Finally, the REAL self improvement process had begun. It was as if God had said to me, "Now you're ready for Me to deal with you." He now was in the driver's seat.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, I still don't have the pink unicorn or the mansion on the hill. In fact, if you might be thinking that my life got any "easier", I'm here to tell you that it didn't. Straight from the desert, I had a brief respite before I was led into "purgatory", (though it still felt like hell). This period lasted for another three and a half years where my life actually got harder. However, this served to be a cleansing period where, unlike the previous five years, I experienced a lot of growth, though I must admit, I didn't care too much for many of the experiences I had that forced me to grow.
Hey, you know the saying, "be careful what you wish for, you might just get it." Boy did I get it.
Hope this helps,
Click here to read Part 2 of "Why You're Getting Absolutely NOWHERE in Your Self Improvement Path."
My name is Ike Love, creator of the inspirational concept, The Viable Alternative. To read more about this concept, check out my blog at http://www.theviablealternative.com, where you can receive more powerful tools to help you on your path of self improvement and self discovery.
It was in the early 2000s, in the month of November, on a sunny afternoon. (I know, how cliche, but it really was sunny that afternoon.)
It was a really strange time of my life because I wasn't working, having left the only "real job" of my adult life almost a year earlier. Well, I was sort of working with some startup that had big dreams, but I wasn't getting paid for it, and frankly, I was just going through the motions with it and with life as a whole. I really had no drive to do anything, no motivation, nothing whatsoever. Of course I would've "liked" to have the symbols of success (nice care, nice pad, money, etc.) if they were bestowed to me by some benevolent "genie", but really, that obviously wasn't happening. Not only did I NOT have the desire or the motivation to pursue these things, but honestly, I didn't think I had the capability of attaining them either if I were to pursue them.
Now, of course I know that the pursuit of material things is a road to nowhere, but really, if I had been pursuing these things, at least I would've been passionate about SOMETHING, and have been moving in SOME direction. In my case, I was just standing still doing nothing.
The thing was, I wasn't lazy, nor was I depressed. I was just simply devoid of any desire for anything in life. I just didn't care. I was bereft of any inspiration to do anything at all.
Was I happy?
Well...would you be if you were living like this? I think we both know the answer.
Deep down I knew there was something wrong considering the fact I hadn't always been like this. The thing was, on the surface I thought that me being devoid of any ambition or any desire was the right, spiritual way to be, but it fought with every nuance of my being on a deeper level, i.e. it sucked to be me.
I think Thoreau coined my condition best: "quiet desperation."
So, there I was, on this particular November afternoon, stopping in front of a bookstore that had a table display of books, when one in particular piqued my curiosity due to the title, so I picked it up in order to check it out.
I glance through the book and its subject matter seemed interesting enough, but I didn't feel a need to buy it. However, over the next few days, for some reason, my mind kept on going back to that book, though I didn't even remember the name, so the next time I passed by the bookstore, I bought the book.
And you know what? The book changed my life...
The name? "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, a book about the principles of success. Well actually, it was another version of the book, "Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice" by Dennis Kimbro, but reading that prompted me to possessedly go and buy the original version by Napoleon Hill. Needless to say, these two books single handedly gave me back something I hadn't felt in several years: my inspiration in life to be successful and do something great on this earth.
In addition to re-kindling my desire to be successful, after reading these books over and over, and over again, I realized something else: I had a pitifully LOW self-esteem.
Low self esteem is funny, because most people who have it don't know they have it and would never admit to it. If someone who was able to notice low self esteem in another person and pointed it out to him, he (or she) would either deny it or get very defensive. This is because people are very good at hiding their low self esteem from themselves through innumerable avenues, some of which include, erecting walls of materialism, bravado, or by simply just being an out and out asshole to the entire world.
I was no different.
It was when I learned this that I can say that I officially started my path of "self improvement" and self discovery. (There's a reason why I put "self improvement" in quotes, stay tuned). I hit the ground running and threw myself into the whole process headfirst. My burning desire was to become a better person, raise my self esteem, and become a confident person that was secure with himself.
The Desert Years
Now, this is where I wish I could tell my happy ending, where I acquire unstoppable confidence, strike it filthy rich a few years later and fly off in my pink unicorn to my mansion on top of a hill at the end of the rainbow, where I sip glasses of Cristal and party nightly with the likes of Diddy and Naomi Campbell.
Nope. Definitely not with me.
Instead, I entered into another "desert" period in my life that lasted five years. It was a period where I experienced very little if any growth whatsoever. Instead I went around in circles, reading book, after book after book, going to different seminars, visiting a hypnotist, talking to coaches, listening to CD after CD, etc, all in the hopes of finding that magic pill, that one marvelous distinction that would enable me to finally let go of my negative beliefs, show me how to get over the past, and show me how to be a better person.
I remember buying book after book, hoping that each book would be "the one" that would give me that magical insight that would change my life. I would read each book accompanied with a "trusty" highlighter pen, highlighting everything I found insightful in the book, hoping that somehow these words would seep into my consciousness and help change me.
Sadly, that didn't happen. All I'd get was a dry highlighter pen, but no real personal growth. I instead become a walking "self help" encyclopedia, full of inspirational quotes that made me look all positive and enlightened. I probably was able to recite to you on command, page 73 of every book I read, that's how into "improving myself" I was.
As I read more and more books, I'd feel more "enlightened" and "knowledgeable", but at times, I'd have a somber moment where I'd say to myself, "you have all this knowledge, you've read all these books, but where's the REAL growth?" I'd ponder this briefly and then think, "Oh well, on to the next book!" and sweep the one insight that I TRULY needed to pay attention to under the rug.
I was lost.
I remember taking the Landmark Forum and its follow-up course, "The Advanced Seminar." I thought that now surely this was the place that would make me transform. After all, before I even took these courses I heard of some miraculous stories of the breakthroughs and transformations people received. As a matter of fact, upon taking these two courses. I did receive some tremendous insights, and I did see some people make some incredible remarkable change, but at the end of the day, I was thinking, "how 'bout me?"
I had more knowledge, more insight, but I still felt TERRIBLY lacking.
"Why can't I change?"
"When am I going to get rid of this horrible feeling of inadequacy I have?"
I would ask these questions to myself over and over again, after the next, best self-help tool I discovered out there that I hoped would empower me to become a better person wound up getting me nowhere. I went to a hypnotist, hoping she would be able to hypnotize me to be a confident person....that didn't' work. In fact in retrospect, I just think she was a sucky hypnotist (no offense to her). The only "improvement" I got from her was a lesson of not to EVER waste my money or time with her again.
I talked to several coaches...nothing. In fact, one got so frustrated with me he almost kicked me out of his coaching group.
It's funny, because during this period, I remember talking to a guy in my gym who I have to say, was a complete mess. He would complain to me over and over again about his girlfriend and how he didn't trust her. The obvious solution to his "problem" that I would explain to him was to leave her, but he'd have a barrel of excuses of why he couldn't do that. Yet, what surprised me was that he was an avid reader of self-help books, just like me, having ready many of the ones I had. He in fact bragged that he had a whole suitcase full of these books. I thought to myself in utter disgust, "Is this guy serious? Why is this guy such a debacle if he is supposed to have read all these books?"
The truth of the matter was that I really was no different myself. The reason why I was able to see that this guy was a debacle was because I was only seeing a reflection of myself in him. I, despite having read all these books was quite a debacle myself. I was pointing at him, but four fingers were pointing right back at me. I just didn't see it.
I really, really, really wanted to change. The coaches at the seminars I attended were able to sense my desperation. I had all this negative self-talk going on inside my head, and I wanted to get rid of it. I had this deep feeling of inadequacy, and I wanted get rid of that. I lacked confidence, and I wanted to gain it. I felt as if I had been a horrible, inconsiderate, insensitive bastard in the past, and I wanted to become a good person that people would be able to look up to. I wanted to learn how to stop clinging to my past and be able to let go.
What was frustrating was that during this period, I had read and heard stories about people who credited a certain book, seminar or encounter with someone for giving them some insight that changed the entire way they perceived themselves and the world. They would note that it was this "shift" in perception they received that enabled them to transform from insecure, "bad", unsuccessful people to happy, confident and successful.
I was looking for something that would do similar for me and fix all these "horrible" things I had. Yet, in all my five years of "self improvement", the only major change that had come in me was after I first read "Think and Grow Rich," which I wouldn't even count because it was what first got me on my path. So in actuality, in five years, I had really gotten nowhere.
Oddly enough, I was somehow able to fool myself that I was "changing" because I was reading all these books and gaining all these "wonderful" insights.
Yet funny how these "insights" brought absolutely no real improvement to the quality of my life, nor did they improve my self esteem in any way. I was the same old me who started the journey five years earlier covered with a thin veneer of knowledge from a bunch of self-help books and quotes spouted by famous people.
I was a mess.
I liken this period of my life to the Biblical story of the Israelites wandering the wilderness for forty years without entering the "Promised Land." They just tread the same ground over and over and over again for forty years.
I too was in the wilderness because I was in a place that was bearing no type of fruit. I just thank God it was five years, not forty.
Something had to give.
My "Deliverance"
So, 2005 comes along.
In the very beginning of this year, two significant things happen.
The first thing was when a cousin of mine came to my house for the first time and stayed for a few days. Upon looking at my bookshelf and seeing all these self help books, he comes to me and asks me, "Why are you looking for something you already have?"
That question struck me because it was told to me several years before. I didn't get it when it was first told to me, and I didn't get it when my cousin said it. However, now, these words struck me in a different way. I figured that since I was hearing these words for a second time, there must have been a message in there for me. I started to let them marinate in my spirit so I could find learn the message that they carried.
The second event was that I could sense that God was speaking to my heart trying to tell me something.
That "something" was Him telling me not to hang out with my childhood friends for the whole of 2005.
See, these childhood friends of mine have been my "family" for almost my entire life. They had also been a foundation of security for me most of my life, because I felt that no matter what I went through socially, they would always be there. The insight that God was giving me was that by not hanging out with them for an entire year, I will start to develop that foundation within myself. Also, being absent of their "influence" will help me start to see an aspect of myself that I previously wasn't aware of.
That's similar to the scenario of a tree bent in a certain way would grow in a certain way, however, if you unbend it, it would grow in a different direction.
This was a PROFOUND insight that I definitely could not have thought of on my own. It was completely out of the box of my reality.
Me, looking desperately for answers, saw no choice but to listen.
So to my childhood friends who are reading this, if you've been wondering why I wasn't around for all of '05 and making "excuses" why I couldn't hang out, (if you remember or even care), this was the reason. It was all for self discovery purposes, nothing personal. You guys may find it "weird", but I've come to accept the fact that I'm just not a normal person. Also, if you do find it weird, I retort with my oft repeated phrase that you know very well, "your opinion means absolutely nothing to me."
Either way, I digress.
So, getting back to 2005, it was a year like every other of the previous four years: going to seminars, reading book after book, having all these wonderful insights making me believe that I was enlightened, all coupled with the frustration of being in my own way. I think you get the picture.
However, come the last two months of that year, November and December, I received two MAJOR insights, one insight for each month, that unlike all the countless other "insights" I received, were the ones that were to lead me out of the wilderness.
The first one I'm not going to get into, as it I another topic for another blog. Also, it really didn't have an immediate effect on my life as did the second, which began to change things immediately.
The second insight is the topic of this blog.
It was late in December, a couple of days after Christmas. I was talking to my mom in her room while she was watching TV. In the conversation, she mentions to me that she had a deep conversation with my brother and the subject was yours truly.
She mentioned that my brother was complaining, added to the complaint of my other siblings that I was emotionally unavailable and even though he tried to communicate with me on a deeper level, I wouldn't let him in and kept him at arm length.
The news of this didn't shock me because my siblings had complained about this before. I knew that ever since my childhood that I had always been emotionally distant from my siblings and never really attempted to foster a close relationship with any of them. As I had "matured", I knew this wasn't a good thing, and I felt that by becoming a better person through my "self improvement", this would somehow remedy itself.
Upon hearing this, I told my mom that I was trying to change, and that I had been reading a lot of self improvement books and going to seminars for a number of years, and the insights I had received had helped me to grow.
I then asked her a crucial question, "Haven't you noticed any change in me?"
To this she responded that she didn't see too much of me because she left for work before me and I usually returned home from work late, and at that time she was already in bed, so she really couldn't tell if I had many any change at all.
All of sudden, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had been doing this whole self improvement "thing" to please my mother.
Why does that insight even matter?
Well let me take you back a few years to my childhood. When I was growing up, my father was the strict disciplinarian in the house, and coupled with that, he wasn't always an easy person to deal with. From a young age, he came down very hard on me and the older of my two sisters, and so, we were dependent on our mother for refuge.
Because of all this, it can be easy to see how my father became the "bad guy" and my mother was the "good guy". My father was the one associated with having a bad temper, being impatient, angry, etc, and my mother was associated with being loving, caring, patient, nurturing, etc. Thus, compared to our younger two siblings, it became important for me and the older of my two sisters to stay on our mother's "good side" because if we didn't, we would be at the mercy to the whims of our father.
Furthermore, as a child, I had a very bad temper, and was prone to throwing huge temper tantrums. When I would do this, my mom would say to me disapprovingly, "You're just like your father."
Well, of course, it sucked to hear that, because I didn't want to be like my father, I wanted to be like my mother. My mom knew this, and over the years, she would play the manipulation game whenever she and I would have a disagreement by hanging over my head the comment, "You're just like HIM."
This had the effect of immediately putting me on the defensive or shutting me up. Either way, it gave my mom a "power" over me. It made me want to be more like her, and since she became the "measuring stick" of who to be like in my house, it also made me believe all the other negative labels she had placed on me.
Thus, over the years, I would develop this persistent fear that I was going to turn out just like my father. One of the main reasons for embarking on the path of self improvement was to "finally address" this issue of me being this horrible person in the past and become a person who my mother could look at proudly and say, "Wow, you're totally different from your father. You're more like me."
This was the reason why I had gotten absolutely nowhere in five years of "self improvement." I had talked a big game of wanting to become a better, more positive person, improve my self esteem, etc, but in actuality all I wanted was approval from my mother.
I remember watching those Warner Brothers or Hanna Barbera cartoons as a little kid where some cat (Tom or Sylvester) would be trying to chase a little bird to eat, but their efforts were always thwarted by the big mother hen or some other guardian that watched over the little chick. So, to fool whoever was protecting the chick, the cat would disguise himself as a bird. However, the plan would always fail because although the cat was dressed as a bird, in one way or another, his nature of being a cat would always rise to the surface (e.g. trying to eat the little chick.)
This was similar to my quest for self improvement. On the surface, I was saying I wanted to become a better person, improve my self esteem, etc, but below that something else was going on.
You see, when I made the decision of improving myself, I was riddled with guilt for who I was up until that point for not naturally being able to display the "characteristics" of my mother. I felt guilty for being such a rude, inconsiderate, selfish, impatient bastard in my past, and because I felt I really couldn't be trusted with my own self improvement, I looked to others who accused me of these things in the past, as well as my mom as indicators of whether I was changing or not. Thus, the more pleasing I was to others, the happier I was because it meant I was changing. However, if I did something to step on another person's toes, I would be depressed that I was failing in my quest to become a better person.
To add to that, I also tried to be overly pleasing to women, which meant walking on egg shells around them because afraid to say the wrong thing, seeking their approval, and putting up with disrespect that I had no business putting up with. I figured by gaining the approval of women, it would mean that I was different from my father, which would gain me the prize of my mother's approval.
In any case, this all gave me a resentment towards women and my mother, because I gave them power over me to control my mental well being. What made me more resentful was that I wasn't getting their approval back in return.
All who are reading this may be able to take a "wild guess" as to how my dating life was.
If a person were to take a good look at my quest for self improvement, they would see me constantly beating myself for not being a good person, me beating myself up for days on end for lapsing into the "old me", me trying to acquire "knowledge" so as to impress people into believing I was a "good person", me being so stiff and stifled because I couldn't trust myself to be "free" because I might mess up, me being terrified of receiving someone's disapproval because then it meant that I really hadn't changed.
My goodness, it's a miracle that I didn't leap from a window or go postal.
I remember reading a quote during my years in the wilderness that went something like this (I don't remember it verbatim), "Change produced by hate can never produce love."
Oh yes, I definitely hated myself.
Now, let me ask you, does all this sound like self improvement to you?
Now you can see why I put "self improvement" in quotes. Clearly, I wasn't improving myself. All I was doing was seeking an affirmation that I wasn't a bad person while beating myself up along the way.
The thing was, I really didn't know I was doing all this.
It was as if I were setting out from a journey to Chicago from New York with a map of Detroit, complaining the whole time why I wasn't getting any closer to Chicago or why where I was winding up didn't resemble Chicago at all.
That revealing conversation with my mom made me realize I was looking at the wrong map.....DOH!
At least now with the right map, I could get an inkling of where I needed to go.
I would also like to add that had I not followed Divine guidance and taken time away from my friends, I probably wouldn't have gotten this revelation. Taking time away from the people that I had been around all my life allowed me to gain a different perspective of myself that made it ripe for me to receive the breakthrough I did.
Obedience to Divine guidance pays!
When I got this breakthrough, I was able to breathe a huge sigh of relief because a big burden was lifted off my back. I now was able to see that I had a lot of guilt in being a man instilled in me by society, my family and the Church, and I read some very interesting books that helped strip away a lot of that guilt. I also now began the painstaking process of untangling myself from approval seeking (which I might add is still going on up till now).
I also cut down considerably on the amount of self improvement books I read. The urgent need that I had once felt to read every self improvement book in sight left me.
Finally, the REAL self improvement process had begun. It was as if God had said to me, "Now you're ready for Me to deal with you." He now was in the driver's seat.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, I still don't have the pink unicorn or the mansion on the hill. In fact, if you might be thinking that my life got any "easier", I'm here to tell you that it didn't. Straight from the desert, I had a brief respite before I was led into "purgatory", (though it still felt like hell). This period lasted for another three and a half years where my life actually got harder. However, this served to be a cleansing period where, unlike the previous five years, I experienced a lot of growth, though I must admit, I didn't care too much for many of the experiences I had that forced me to grow.
Hey, you know the saying, "be careful what you wish for, you might just get it." Boy did I get it.
Hope this helps,
Click here to read Part 2 of "Why You're Getting Absolutely NOWHERE in Your Self Improvement Path."
My name is Ike Love, creator of the inspirational concept, The Viable Alternative. To read more about this concept, check out my blog at http://www.theviablealternative.com, where you can receive more powerful tools to help you on your path of self improvement and self discovery.
02 March 2011
Motivational Self Improvement As a Way to Realize Your Life's Desires
Most of us go through life believing that it will be a smooth ride. And when it's not we say it's fate - it has been decided that way! Then we secretly want to alter our 'fate' by hoping and wishing we will strike it lucky one day and have success like Jim next door. Or we totally succumb to our 'fate' that we feel jealous that Jim drives a nice car and lives in a nice house. Then we feel the Bill Gate's and Warren Buffet's of the world are traitors and cheats. We start blaming and pointing fingers. Little do we know that there is this thing called motivational self improvement!
Worse some wish they were born in rich families or hope one day to win a lottery or hit a jackpot at the casino. They have never heard of living life by design...They don't know life is not lived by wishing and hope alone. They don't know you can craft it, to your liking! Sadly a person in this predicament has not the slightest idea how to motivate themselves into self improvement. They think they are born like that. It is in their DNA! Unless something dramatic happens in their life...!
Sadly I was like that a while back! To me life was being born, go to school, pass, get a job, marry, have kids, drive 'nice' cars and live in 'nice' houses. Go to movies, have a 'nice' meal at a 'nice' restaurant, watch movies, go to work, etc. Fortunately, on hindsight now, this chain broke: I failed my university education. And things turned bad! I became so depressed that life took a different meaning for me! I refused to accept that my life could turn out that way...I was a straight A student all my life, well almost! Then a wonderful thing happened, in my depression I turned to self improvement to motivate myself.
I bless the period I failed my university education because I don't think I'd be where I am right now. My first book was Book 1 Conversations with God. This was the start of my journey in self improvement. I came across teachers and mentors like David Gikandi Cameron, Bob Doyle, Bill Harris, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Eric Pepin, the list goes on and on. I learnt meditation, network marketing, internet marketing, etc. I came across more teachers like Jack Zufelt, Tim Sales, Joel Broughton, Daegan Smith, Success University, etc. These are people who are very influential in my life.
Why am I telling you this, because I know for sure I am not the only one in this whole earth faced with such a blessing 'predicament', again on hindsight! May be you've had a mishap in your life or at least some one you know...I am saying there is a way out - motivational self improvement!
There is a lot I can say here about my life that hopefully relates to your loved one who has lost hope or even maybe you. Please don't despair! Follow the link below to see what can help you learn how to change your mindset and view the world and yourself in a whole new beautiful way...
Tirelo Besele is a firm believer in changing your mindset first if you want to achieve your goals in life. And there is no better way of changing your mindset than to soak yourself in motivational self improvement education. Though self education is not cheap, there has never been a better way than to earn and learn yourself into the mist of your desires...You can surround yourself with the best teachers and mentors in all areas of your life. From Communication, finances, health to sales. You can even get paid while you learn how to improve your life! Too good to be true...To learn more visit http://www.learntocreatemoney.com/blog
Worse some wish they were born in rich families or hope one day to win a lottery or hit a jackpot at the casino. They have never heard of living life by design...They don't know life is not lived by wishing and hope alone. They don't know you can craft it, to your liking! Sadly a person in this predicament has not the slightest idea how to motivate themselves into self improvement. They think they are born like that. It is in their DNA! Unless something dramatic happens in their life...!
Sadly I was like that a while back! To me life was being born, go to school, pass, get a job, marry, have kids, drive 'nice' cars and live in 'nice' houses. Go to movies, have a 'nice' meal at a 'nice' restaurant, watch movies, go to work, etc. Fortunately, on hindsight now, this chain broke: I failed my university education. And things turned bad! I became so depressed that life took a different meaning for me! I refused to accept that my life could turn out that way...I was a straight A student all my life, well almost! Then a wonderful thing happened, in my depression I turned to self improvement to motivate myself.
I bless the period I failed my university education because I don't think I'd be where I am right now. My first book was Book 1 Conversations with God. This was the start of my journey in self improvement. I came across teachers and mentors like David Gikandi Cameron, Bob Doyle, Bill Harris, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Eric Pepin, the list goes on and on. I learnt meditation, network marketing, internet marketing, etc. I came across more teachers like Jack Zufelt, Tim Sales, Joel Broughton, Daegan Smith, Success University, etc. These are people who are very influential in my life.
Why am I telling you this, because I know for sure I am not the only one in this whole earth faced with such a blessing 'predicament', again on hindsight! May be you've had a mishap in your life or at least some one you know...I am saying there is a way out - motivational self improvement!
There is a lot I can say here about my life that hopefully relates to your loved one who has lost hope or even maybe you. Please don't despair! Follow the link below to see what can help you learn how to change your mindset and view the world and yourself in a whole new beautiful way...
Tirelo Besele is a firm believer in changing your mindset first if you want to achieve your goals in life. And there is no better way of changing your mindset than to soak yourself in motivational self improvement education. Though self education is not cheap, there has never been a better way than to earn and learn yourself into the mist of your desires...You can surround yourself with the best teachers and mentors in all areas of your life. From Communication, finances, health to sales. You can even get paid while you learn how to improve your life! Too good to be true...To learn more visit http://www.learntocreatemoney.com/blog
01 March 2011
Generate All The Self Improvement Motivation You'll Ever Need
If you've trouble getting motivated to stick to your exercise programme... Or if you've not even left the starting blocks but that article could change your life! Not... As would be too ambitious! But there is a small, inexpensive device that can give you all the motivation you need to get out & start moving your body around a bit more.
Pedometer, as it's known, can also make you want to do it & can even make you enjoy doing it!
What...? ENJOY coach??? It wrong?
Well, no actually. Read on.
1. So, what's a pedometer?
This is a small, compact unit used to measure the # of steps taken.
And, as well as to measure the # of steps taken when exercising in your local neighborhood, it can also measure your steps as you climb the stairs, mowing the lawn or do the shopping.
2. How does it work?
It is small enough to clip to your belt & is equipped with a pendulum, which measures a step each time your foot comes in contact with the ground.
3 How much does it cost?
Many pedometers have been given away free as part of campaigns from local health authorities to make people move their bodies more.
If you can not find such a campaign in your area, you can purchase a pedometer with a reasonable # of features for as little as $ 20.
4. What exactly does it do?
You should buy a model that at the very least, measures the # of steps taken, calories burned, distance walked, speed, you have gone & how long your routine has taken.
More expensive models may include 1 or more of the following additional features:
- A soothing voice to tell you how many steps you have taken
- A heart rate monitor
- A stopwatch
- a radio & headphones, so you can listen to your favourite radio station while out yesterday
- A step philtre to achieve greater accuracy
- A backlit, so you can see your pedometer in the dark.
5; How do I set my pedometer?
First you need your height, weight & average stride length to enter.
To arrive at your stride, most instructions tell you to measure out a distance of, say ten meters, & to count the # of steps you take to cover it. Divide this # by the total distance & this gives your average stride.
Once set up, just follow the instructions to activate the settings you want, pedometer clipped to your belt & you are ready to go.
6. How to make presentations?
Anytime after you've started the routine, you can stop, turn open the pedometer & take a reading. Of course you shouldn't do this too often as this will interrupt the rhythm of your trip.
But you can get an idea of the progress you make by checking the # of steps, how far you've traveled, the calories you burned & so on. You'll be able to go from 1 measurement to the next by pressing a button.
7. How does this give me more motivation?
The great thing about wearing a pedometer is that you start to think about how many steps you take toward your daily goal.
This gets you in a "walk away thinking" & you suddenly start identifying loads of new walking opportunities.
If you had to be dragged kicking & screaming to take up an exercise routine, the unit is the single most important device you can use to start enjoying your workouts.
It's so easy to use & the way you feel about fit to transform. May you feel the whole idea of doing a daily workout, your really looking forward to this & wants to do more.
Well, after using it for a while, you start to realise that your daily goals aren't only achievable, but with a bit more effort, can easily be surpassed.
Something you thought it's such a routine becomes easy, because you know you can do!
Have you ever thought was possible?
Well it's. Only get the pedometer & keep it. This may be a very positive effect on fitness & health.
(C) 2006 All rights reserved
Discover easy, effective & quick self improvement motivational ideas that'll aid you to prosper individually & professionally: Self Improvement and self help
Pedometer, as it's known, can also make you want to do it & can even make you enjoy doing it!
What...? ENJOY coach??? It wrong?
Well, no actually. Read on.
1. So, what's a pedometer?
This is a small, compact unit used to measure the # of steps taken.
And, as well as to measure the # of steps taken when exercising in your local neighborhood, it can also measure your steps as you climb the stairs, mowing the lawn or do the shopping.
2. How does it work?
It is small enough to clip to your belt & is equipped with a pendulum, which measures a step each time your foot comes in contact with the ground.
3 How much does it cost?
Many pedometers have been given away free as part of campaigns from local health authorities to make people move their bodies more.
If you can not find such a campaign in your area, you can purchase a pedometer with a reasonable # of features for as little as $ 20.
4. What exactly does it do?
You should buy a model that at the very least, measures the # of steps taken, calories burned, distance walked, speed, you have gone & how long your routine has taken.
More expensive models may include 1 or more of the following additional features:
- A soothing voice to tell you how many steps you have taken
- A heart rate monitor
- A stopwatch
- a radio & headphones, so you can listen to your favourite radio station while out yesterday
- A step philtre to achieve greater accuracy
- A backlit, so you can see your pedometer in the dark.
5; How do I set my pedometer?
First you need your height, weight & average stride length to enter.
To arrive at your stride, most instructions tell you to measure out a distance of, say ten meters, & to count the # of steps you take to cover it. Divide this # by the total distance & this gives your average stride.
Once set up, just follow the instructions to activate the settings you want, pedometer clipped to your belt & you are ready to go.
6. How to make presentations?
Anytime after you've started the routine, you can stop, turn open the pedometer & take a reading. Of course you shouldn't do this too often as this will interrupt the rhythm of your trip.
But you can get an idea of the progress you make by checking the # of steps, how far you've traveled, the calories you burned & so on. You'll be able to go from 1 measurement to the next by pressing a button.
7. How does this give me more motivation?
The great thing about wearing a pedometer is that you start to think about how many steps you take toward your daily goal.
This gets you in a "walk away thinking" & you suddenly start identifying loads of new walking opportunities.
If you had to be dragged kicking & screaming to take up an exercise routine, the unit is the single most important device you can use to start enjoying your workouts.
It's so easy to use & the way you feel about fit to transform. May you feel the whole idea of doing a daily workout, your really looking forward to this & wants to do more.
Well, after using it for a while, you start to realise that your daily goals aren't only achievable, but with a bit more effort, can easily be surpassed.
Something you thought it's such a routine becomes easy, because you know you can do!
Have you ever thought was possible?
Well it's. Only get the pedometer & keep it. This may be a very positive effect on fitness & health.
(C) 2006 All rights reserved
Discover easy, effective & quick self improvement motivational ideas that'll aid you to prosper individually & professionally: Self Improvement and self help
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